class 1

The exercise was created 12.06.2019 by Deborahshako. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

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  • Protozoa Unicellular, eukaryotic, proliferative stage = Trophozoite,
  • Dormant cyst in protozoa Enables the protozoa to survive harsh environment
  • Sporozoite cell form that infects new host, motile and move by gliding -> infectious form in plasmodium
  • Merozoite after-infectious form that asexual replicates, non-motile—in infected RBCs, plasmodial merozoit destroys the cell, also known schizozoite
  • Trophozoite activated intracellular feeding stage - trophozoite then undergoes schizogony
  • Bradyzoite sessile, slow-growing form of zoonotic microorganism like toxoplasmosis. In chronic infection they present as clusters enclosed in a crescent shaped wall = a pseudocyst in infected muscle and brain tissue
  • Oocyst hard, which walled spore that can survive lengthy periods outside a host
  • Entamoeba histolytica Cysts can survive on food & has 4 or fewer nuclei, Trophozoit form dev. fr. ingested cyst,
  • Hematophagous trophozoit Only amoeboid that lives in blood, nucl. surrounded by clear halo
  • Giardia intestinalis/ lamblia smiley-face, flagellate, specific number, trophozoit flattened pear-shaped symmetric, 2 large nuclei, spoon-shaped at side
  • Giardia intestinalis/ lamblia - cyst infective stage, comma shaped bodies inside
  • Cryptosporidum parvum causes severe diarrhea, Obligate intracellular, Oocyts is infectious stage, containing 4 sporozoites, prominent dark nuclei
  • Balantidium coli Trophozoite w/ 2 nuclei, oval, surface dotted with numerous cilia, cytoplasms cont. sausage shaped macronucleus, numerous vacuoles, cyst -infectious form
  • Trypanosoma brucei gambiense sleeping sickness, transmitted by tsetse fly, trypomastigote - found in the mammal KINETOPLAST
  • Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas disease, enter host by bite wound, trypomastigote form in blood, heart problems
  • Plasmodium falciparum Malaria, Burkitts lymphoma, Infective state- sporozoite, Merozoite is the one binding to RBCs, inside the cell it becomes trophozoite, thin blood smear
  • Toxoplasma gondii Cyst is covered with thick wall, Trophozoit are small, halfmoon shaped and motile, Bradyzoites are dormant form
  • Naegleria fowleri Brain-eating amoeba, Enters trough nose -> brain, CNS fluid, Trophozoite form has flagella
  • Trichomonas vaginalis Flagellated protozoa causes trichomoniasis (strawberry cervix), pear shaped, five flagella, only exists as trophozoite
  • Leishmania tropica spread by sandflies, Amastigote form in circulatory system of humans, intracellular and non-motile oval shaped, Promastigote: flagellated mini tampons

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