Colloquium 2 - Gastroenteroloģija - Instructions

The exercise was created 31.05.2022 by claraingman. Anzahl Fragen: 22.

Fragen wählen (22)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Es pacelšu jūsu kāju, lūdzu, atbrīvojieties! I will rise your leg, please, relax!
  • Ēdiet bieži, pieci uz seši reizes dienā, mazām porcijām! Eat often, 5/6 times per day, small portions!
  • Ēdiet regulāri Eat regularly! Have regular meals!
  • Ierobežojiet bagātīgas maltītes! Limit heavy meals!
  • Izvairieties no fiziskas slodzes tūlīt pēc ēšanas! Avoid physical load right after a meal!
  • Izvairieties no pārēšanās! Avoid overeating!
  • Jums daudz jādzer ūdens. You have to drink a lot of water.
  • Kontrolējiet svaru! Control your weight!
  • Lietojiet šīs zāles tukšā dūšā! Take this medicine on empty stomach!
  • Lietojiet vairāk šķidruma! Drink more water!
  • Lūdzu, atgulieties! Lie down, please!
  • Lūdzu, atslābinieties! Relax, please!
  • Lūdzu, iztaisnojiet rokas gar sāniem! Stretch your arms along your body, please!
  • Lūdzu, pagriezieties uz kreisajiem sāniem! Turn to the left side, please!
  • Lūdzu, pagriezieties uz labajiem sāniem! Turn to the right side, please!
  • Lūdzu, salieciet kājas ceļos! Bend your knees, please!
  • Lūdzu, salieciet rokas air galvas! Place your hands behind your head, please!
  • Nedzeriet stipru kafiju! Do not drink strong coffee!
  • Neēdiet ātri! Do not eat fast!
  • Nelietojiet zāles tukšā dūšā! Do not take medicine on empty stomach!
  • Nesmēķējiet! Do not smoke!
  • Sportojiet! Do exercises!

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