Crime and punishment 2

The exercise was created 08.09.2019 by malhag. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • ett lindrigare brott deed, offense, verdict
  • ett mer allvarligt brott felony, offence, deed
  • intrång, hot, rån trespassing
  • förfalskning fogery, fraud, embezzlement
  • mordbrand, bedrägeri, misshandel fogery
  • förskingring tax evasion, embezzlement, fraud
  • skattesmitning, bluff, förfalskning tax evasion
  • övergrepp assault, abuse, homicide
  • misshandel och överfall, ofredande, dråp assault, murder, abuse
  • misshandel, mord, dråp homicide
  • dråp manslaughter, homicide, murder
  • hedersmord arson, honor killing, murder
  • mordbrand, intrång, fortkörning arson
  • fortkörning speeding, arson, tax evasion
  • böter, brott, fotboja fines
  • villkorlig dom, dödsstraff, fotboja suspended sentence
  • dödsstraff fines, capital punishment, electronic tag
  • gärning deed, verdict, sentence
  • häktning, obduktion, kroppsvisitering autopsy
  • juryns beslut speeding, verdict, deed

All None

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