The exercise was created 29.11.2024 by AsaViken. Anzahl Fragen: 17.

Fragen wählen (17)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Civil rights Medborgerliga rättigheter
  • Equality Jämlikhet
  • Segregation Segregering (rasåtskillnad, t.ex. mellan svarta och vita)
  • Discrimination Diskriminering
  • Racism Rasism
  • Justice Rättvisa
  • Freedom Frihet
  • Voting rights Rösträtt
  • Nonviolence Icke-våld
  • Protest Protest
  • Boycott Bojkott
  • Integration Integration (att förena olika grupper, t.ex. svarta och vita)
  • March Marsch
  • Activist Aktivist
  • Equality under the law Lika inför lagen
  • Civil disobedience Civil olydnad (att medvetet bryta mot lagar för att protestera mot orättvisor)
  • Suffrage Rösträtt

All None

Freigegebene Übung
