Define food words

The exercise was created 27.04.2021 by ejmc. Anzahl Fragen: 140.

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  • 0 degrees Celsius 32 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 1 am liquid pint (lq pt) 0, 47 liters
  • 1 br pint pt 0, 57 liters
  • 1 inch 2, 54 cm
  • 1 ounce (oz) 28 grams
  • 454 grams 1 lb (pound)
  • add put more, increase join to...
  • afford have enough money to pay for
  • appear come into sight; become visible or noticeable
  • appliances machines used in the kitchen
  • bake cook (food) by dry heat
  • baking tin an open metal container in which dough, cake mixture etc can be placed for baking
  • baking tray square metal plate on which food may be cooked in an oven
  • ban not permitting
  • batch a quantity or consignment of goods
  • battered dipped in egg and breaded
  • beat like whisk, harder and faster than stir
  • blend put together mix
  • boil cook in liquid 100 degrees or more
  • bowl a round, deep dish used for food or liquid
  • brandy cognac, a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine
  • broth soup consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in stock
  • Centigrade *9/5+32 degrees Fahrenheit
  • chop cut (something like onion) into pieces with repeated sharp blows
  • chuck throw (something) carelessly or casually
  • claim state or assert that something is the case
  • coffee maker a machine or percolator for making coffee
  • compost decayed organic material used as a fertilizer for growing plants
  • cook make food
  • cool let food get less warm
  • cover put something on top of or in front of (something)
  • crust whole grains of wheat including the husk or outer layer i.e on bread
  • cup a small bowl-shaped container for drinking from, typically having a handle
  • cupboard a recess or piece of furniture with a door and typically shelves, used for storage
  • cut divide something with a knife
  • deep-fried cooking method in which food is submerged in hot fat
  • delicious tastes very well
  • diced (of food) cut into small cubes
  • disgusting arousing revulsion or strong indignation
  • dish a combination of food served on a plate
  • dish cloth a cloth for washing or drying dishes
  • dishwasher a machine for washing dishes automatically
  • dot mark with a small spot or spots
  • dough a thick, mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread
  • drawer a box-shaped storage compartment without a lid, made to slide horizontally in and out of a desk, chest
  • dripping fat that has melted and dripped from roasting meat
  • dust cover lightly with a powdered substance
  • electric hand mixer an electric handheld mixing and blending tool
  • electric whisk a device for electrically mixing ingredients
  • Farenheit 32*5/9= degrees Centigrade
  • federal denoting the central government as distinguished from the separate units constituting a federation
  • fewer less
  • flavour the distinctive taste of a food or drink
  • food processor an electric kitchen appliance used for chopping, mixing, or pureeing foods
  • fork an implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting
  • freezer a refrigerated cabinet or room for preserving food at very low temperatures
  • fridge a refrigerator, a cool cabinet for food storage
  • frying pan is a flat-bottomed pan used for frying, searing, and browning foods
  • glass hard, brittle often transparent for windows, drinking containers
  • gone sour become unsatisfactory; fail
  • grocery tems of food sold in a grocery or supermarke
  • ground beef finely chopped with a knife or a meat grinder (A.E.)
  • invent create, design, make up something
  • jug a cylindrical container with a handle and a lip, used for holding and pouring liquids
  • kettle a container in which water is boiled, having a lid, spout, and handle
  • kitchen fan evacuates, filters, removes airborne grease, combustion products, fumes, smoke, heat, and steam from the air
  • knife a sharp blade fixed into a handle used for cutting or as a weapon
  • layer a sheet or thickness of material covering a surface
  • leftovers something, especially food, remaining after the rest has been used.
  • lid cover for the top of a container
  • line a long, narrow mark or band.
  • main dish primary dish in a meal consisting of several courses
  • marinate soak (meat, fish, or other food) in a marinade
  • mashed reduced to a pulpy mass by crushing
  • measuring jug cup marked up to know how much liquid to pour
  • melt make or become liquefied by heat
  • microwave an electromagnetic wave to quickly heat food
  • mince cut up or grind
  • mixture a combination of different things i
  • mold covered with a fungal growth which causes decay, due to age or damp conditions
  • mug a large cup, typically cylindrical with a handle and used without a saucer.
  • napkin a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips
  • nasty very bad or unpleasant.
  • nonetheless in spite of that
  • nutritious efficient as food, nourishing
  • oven an enclosed compartment for cooking and heating food
  • oven glove an insulated mitten worn to avoid burning one's hand
  • oven paper parchment paper grease proof paper used in baking
  • overweight above a weight considered normal or desirable
  • pastry a dough of flour, fat, and water, used as a base
  • pinch grip tightly between finger and thumb
  • plate a flat dish, typically circular and made of china
  • pour flow rapidly in a steady stream
  • preheat heat beforehand
  • prepare make
  • rancid contain old fat smells or tastes unpleasant
  • re-use by taking previously used items – saves time, money, energy and resources
  • receipt the fact something is being received or paid
  • recipe a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish
  • remedy a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury
  • research systematic investigation into someting or study it
  • ripen of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating
  • rotten very bad, suffering from decay
  • rubbish bin a container for wastes or useless things are being be thrown out.
  • saucepan a deep round cooking pan made of metal with one long handle and a lid
  • saucer a small flat plate
  • sift put through a sieve remove lumps
  • sink place for washing dishes by hand under a water faucet
  • smooth easy to mould, cut, compress
  • soil the upper layer of earth
  • spice an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food
  • spoon an implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle
  • spread open out (something) to extend its surface area
  • stale no longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry
  • stew a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid
  • stir move a spoon or other implement round in substance to mix it thoroughly.
  • stove an apparatus for cooking or heating
  • study a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation
  • stuffing a mix used to put inside poultry or meat
  • tap a device by which a flow of liquid from a pipe can be controlled (ae=faucet)
  • tea towel a soft cloth made of linen, cotton used in the kitchen to dry fine china
  • teapot a pot with a handle, spout, and lid, in which tea is brewed then poured
  • teaspoon a small spoon used for adding sugar to and stirring hot drinks
  • tin an airtight container made of tinplate (can=AE)
  • toaster an electrical device for making toast
  • toss throw (something) somewhere lightly
  • trash can a dustbin (B=rubbish bin)
  • tray a flat, shallow container with a raised rim, for carrying food and drink
  • tärna cut into cubes
  • utensils a tool, container, or other article, especially for household use
  • veggies balanced diet of fruits and veggies, whole grains
  • washing machine a home appliance used to wash laundry
  • waste eliminated or discarded as no longer useful
  • wedge a piece of someting having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge
  • whip beat or move fast in a specified direction
  • whisk a utensil for whipping eggs or cream
  • whole-wheat whole grains of wheat including the husk or outer layer
  • worktop flat easy to clean surface in a kitchen on which you can prepare food (AE=Countertop)
  • wrapping paper or soft material used to cover or enclose something
  • yummie highly attractive or pleasing, delicious

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