
The exercise was created 16.05.2023 by Dingo7. Anzahl Fragen: 26.

Fragen wählen (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Läser hon varje måndag? Does she read every Monday?
  • Spelar de fotboll på tisdagar? Do they play football on Tuesdays?
  • Sjöng hon igår? Did she sing yesterday?
  • Skrev du brevet i lördags? Did you write the letter last Saturday?
  • Åker ni utomlands varje lov? Do you travel abroad every holiday?
  • Läser pojken böcker varje kväll? Does the boy read books every evening?
  • Läser Anna i duschen? Does Anna read in the shower?
  • Drack du mjölk till maten? Did you drink milk with the food?
  • Ramlade flickan på marken? Did the girl fall onto the ground?
  • Ramlar hon hela tiden? Does she fall all the time?
  • Tittade de på TV igår? Did they watch TV yesterday?
  • Tittar de på fåglar på fritiden? Do they look at birds in their sparetime?
  • Skriver de brev till varandra? Do they write letters to each other?
  • Skrev de i morse? Did they write this morning?
  • Blev hon påkörd av en buss? Did she get hit by a bus?
  • Tuggar han tuggummi? Is he chewing gum?
  • Målade de tillsammans? Did they paint together?
  • Målar han hela tiden? Does he paint all the time?
  • Ritar han på bänken varje lektion? Does he draw on the desk every lesson?
  • Ritar lärarna på bänken i smyg? Do the teachers draw on the desk on the sly?
  • Fångade de spindeln? Did they catch the spider?
  • Diskuterar läraren med eleverna? Does the teacher discuss with the pupils?
  • Spydde din kusin på pizzan? Did your cousin vomit on the pizza?
  • Fångade Olliver råttan? Did Olliver catch the rat?
  • Tappade du tanden igår? Did you lose your tooth yesterday?
  • Borstar ni tänderna varje dag? Do you brush your teeth every day?

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