Dutch 5 grammar word

The exercise was created 17.01.2024 by TereseH. Anzahl Fragen: 18.

Fragen wählen (18)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • toen when (past)
  • terwijl while
  • zo gauw, zodra as soon as
  • zolang as long as
  • aangezien because
  • naarmate the more - the better
  • gesteld dat, indien if
  • op voorwaarde dat on condition that
  • tenzij unless
  • ofschoon although
  • zoals just like
  • laat staan dat let alone that
  • nauwelijks barely
  • waar je ook bent wherever you are
  • hoe je het ook doet however you do it
  • lang niet zo by far not as
  • de één na slimste the second smartest
  • de allerbeste the absolute best

All None

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