El blog de Henric y Helena

The exercise was created 05.11.2015 by Jewell. Anzahl Fragen: 17.

Fragen wählen (17)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • inmenso oändlig, enorm
  • amplio vid, bred
  • el pico bergstopp
  • insoportable outhärdlig
  • precioso vacker, underbar
  • el país en vias de desarrollo utvecklingsland
  • el choque cultural kulturchock
  • la cabaña litet hus
  • el techo tak
  • el sabor smak
  • la araña spindel
  • la mosca fluga
  • la silla de ruedas rullstol
  • ciego blind
  • la discapacidad funktionsnedsättning
  • a pesar även om
  • sencillo enkel

All None

Freigegebene Übung

