
The exercise was created 14.09.2022 by Marbal0624. Anzahl Fragen: 23.

Fragen wählen (23)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Ablaze brightly lit or brightly coloured light
  • Abyss a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm
  • Adequate Satisfactory or acceptable
  • Battered Damaged or worn down by hard use
  • Blasphemy the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things
  • Christened To namn or dedicate (something, such as a ship) by a ceremony that often involves breaking a Bottle of champagne
  • Churning To move or cause a liquid to move about vigorously
  • Commendable Deserving praise
  • devised plan or invent by careful thought
  • ebullience the quality of being full of energy and happiness
  • Imperturbable Marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness.
  • Incessant Oavbruten
  • Inexorable impossible to stop or prevent.
  • Morosely Having a sullen and gloomy disposition
  • obscure not known to many people
  • Parapet A low protective wall along a roof, edge or a balcony
  • permutation any of the various ways in which a set of things can be ordered
  • Restraint Self-controll
  • Savor Njuter
  • Trivial Obetydlig
  • Trudge Walk slowly and with heavy steps.
  • Utterly completely and without qualification; absolutely
  • Vertiginous affected with vertigo; dizzy

All None

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