Engelska || 74-144

The exercise was created 12.09.2023 by annieeriksson. Anzahl Fragen: 71.

Fragen wählen (71)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • The parliament took the ”bill” lagförslag
  • Can I have the ”bill”, please notan
  • The ”beak” is bright red näbb
  • There is a ”beacon” over there landmärke, fyrbåt
  • The ”beaker” broke mugg
  • And so did the ”saucer” tefat
  • Did you see the ”sorcerer”? trollkarl
  • I’ve heard it from reliable ”sources” källor
  • I’ve heard it from ”reliable” sources pålitlig
  • She is ”anything but” house-proud allt annat än
  • She is anything but ”house-proud” överdrivet huslig
  • They are getting on ”like a house on fire” kommer bra överens
  • Her performance ”brought down the house” fick stormande applåder
  • We ”had a good house” today, said the vicar stor publik, kyrkan full med folk
  • We had a good house today, said the ”vicar” kyrkoherde
  • The party had its ”annual” rally årlig
  • The party had its annual ”rally” massmöte
  • My joke ”misfired” misslyckades
  • He is a ”social misfit” socialt missanpassad
  • We had our ”misgivings” onda aningar, betänkligheter
  • The man is a ”miser” snåljåp
  • We were ”misled” vilseleddes
  • She had the ”mischievous” look okynnig
  • There seemed to be no end to his ”misfortunes” motgångar, olyckor
  • They put the animal out ”of its misery” avlivad
  • ”Mistletoe” is fairly common in this area mistel
  • The film made me all ”misty-eyed” gråtmild, tårögd
  • It was a ”misty” morning disig, dimmig
  • She was wearing ”mourning” sorgkläder
  • Can you give us an ”estimate” uppskattning, beräknad kostnad
  • She ”is held in high esteem” är mycket uppskattad
  • The ”estate” stretches down to the river gods, bostadsområde
  • The ”estuary” is a haven for waterfowl flodmynning
  • The estuary is a ”haven” for waterfowl tillflyktsort, skyddat område
  • The ”carriage” was stifling vagn (på tåg)
  • The carriage was ”stifling” kvävande varm
  • ”Keep a stiff upper lip!” se lugn ut även om du är nervös
  • Keep out of the ”draught” drag
  • There was a spell of severe ”drought” torka
  • There was a ”spell” of severe drought period
  • You don’t have to ”spell it out” to me redogöra detaljerat för
  • The ”spell” was broken förtrollning
  • She was sitting at the ”till” kassaapparat
  • He was ”caught with his finger in the till” med fingrarna i syltburken
  • He pulled the ”reins” tömmar, tyglar
  • She ”reigned” for a long period regera
  • He was ”framed” for murder falskeligen anklagad
  • It has to be done within the ”framework” ramarna
  • The car was ”dented” tillbucklad
  • Can you do ”fractions” allmänna bråk
  • She had a ”fractured” rib bryta
  • She had a fractured ”rib” revben
  • They bought an ”RV” husbil
  • He behaved ”ruthlessly” hänsynslöst
  • When is the ”rutting season”? brunsttid
  • You must ”get out of the rut” rycka upp dig
  • The road is badly ”rutted” sönderkörd
  • She ”made an appearance” uppträda
  • You have to ”keep up appearances” hålla skenet uppe
  • ”DIY shops” are popular gör-det-själv-affärer
  • There was some ”recidue” in the glass rest
  • She is a ”resident” of the UK boende
  • She is a resident of the ”UK” Förenade kungariket
  • They went by ”coach” to the match buss
  • On her way home she was ”breathalysed” alkoholtesta
  • He was ”bribed” to do it muta
  • The kitten was lying on her ”lap” knä
  • Only nine cars finished the last ”lap” varv
  • They removed the ”debris” spillror
  • We stopped off ”briefly” in London helt kort
  • Don’t forget your ”briefcase” portfölj

All None

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