English åk 8 irregular verbs week 38

The exercise was created 06.09.2024 by SofiaGUN. Anzahl Fragen: 16.

Fragen wählen (16)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • fall, fell, fallen falla, föll, fallit
  • feed, fed, fed mata, matade, matat
  • feel, felt, felt känna, kände, känt
  • fight, fought, fought slåss (kämpa), slog, slagits
  • find, found, found hitta, hittade, hittat
  • flee, fled, fled fly, flydde, flytt
  • fly, flew, flown flyga, flög, flugit
  • forget, forgot, forgotten glömma, glömde, glömt
  • forgive, forgave, forgiven förlåta, förlät, förlåtit
  • freeze, froze, frozen frysa, frös, frusit
  • get, got, got , fick, fått
  • give, gave, given ge, gav, gett
  • go, went, gone gå (åka), gick, gått
  • grow, grew, grown växa, växte, vuxit
  • hang, hung, hung hänga (upp något), hängde, hängt
  • have, had, had ha, hade, haft

All None

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