English vocabulary VT 2023

The exercise was created 01.05.2023 by HugoBohlinHillgren. Anzahl Fragen: 100.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • abstraction removing something from a source
  • accolade an award or an expression of praise
  • acknowledgement showing that you know, admit, or accept that something exists or is true
  • acquaintance a person you know, but usually not a friend
  • acrimony angry and bitter feelings
  • arduous hard to do, requiring much effort
  • bellicose showing aggression and willingness to fight
  • bramble a thorny bush or shrub
  • bumptious proud or confident in a loud and rude way that annoys other people
  • castigate to criticize (someone) harshly
  • charity showing kindness by giving money or gifts to organizations that need them
  • clergy people (such as priests) who are the leaders of a religion and who perform religious services
  • conjure to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic; to make you think of (something)
  • consensus a general agreement about something; an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group
  • convict v: to prove that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law n: a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison
  • crammed very full of people or things
  • credulous too ready to believe things; easily fooled or cheated
  • daunt to make afraid; to discourage
  • dazzling amazing; very bright and making you unable to see properly for a short time
  • deign to do something that you think you should not have to do because you are too important
  • demolish to destroy completely
  • derelict no longer cared for or used by anyone
  • descendant who comes down from a common ancestor
  • disciple a follower of a person or belief
  • disperse to go or move in different directions; to spread apart
  • distinguished successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect.
  • edify to teach (someone) in a way that improves the mind or character
  • eke out 1. to make a small supply of something such as food or money last longer by using only small amounts of it 2. to manage to live with very little money
  • farrier person who shoes horses; a blacksmith
  • favorable showing approval; giving what is desired
  • flaccid limp, not firm; lacking vigor or effectiveness
  • funnel to pass through a narrow opening
  • gainsay to deny or disagree with (something)
  • gratuitous not necessary or appropriate
  • hiatus a period of time when something (such as an activity or program) is stopped
  • hold-up a usually brief delay; a robbery that is done using a gun
  • holy grail something that you want very much but that is very hard to get or achieve
  • hurtle to move with great force and speed
  • hyperbole language that describes something as better or worse than it really is
  • illicit illegal
  • immensity extremely great size
  • impediment something that makes it difficult to do or complete something
  • infatuation a feeling of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something
  • judicious having or showing good judgment; wise
  • juxtapose to place side by side for comparison
  • kinetic relating to motion
  • kudos praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved
  • laud to praise highly
  • loom to appear in a large, strange, or frightening form often in a sudden way
  • loquacious liking to talk and talking smoothly and easily
  • machinations deceptive actions or methods that are used to get or achieve something
  • makeshift a temporary substitute for something else
  • megalomania a condition or mental illness that causes people to think that they have great or unlimited power or importance
  • moribund dying; on the way out
  • nebulous not clear; difficult to see, understand, describe, etc.
  • nefarious evil or immoral
  • oblige to force or require (someone or something) to do something because of a law or rule or because it is necessary; to do something that someone has asked you to do
  • obstruction something that blocks the way of things being created or built; something in the way
  • occupational hazard a risk or danger that is part of a job
  • offence an illegal action or a crime
  • onerous difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with
  • ostentatious showy, pretentious
  • parish A local church community
  • patronize to talk to (someone) in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people
  • penal having to do with punishment
  • perish to die or be killed
  • petty small and insignificant
  • placate to cause (someone) to feel less angry about something
  • poacher a person who hunts or fishes illegally
  • quiescent quiet; still; inactive
  • quisling a person who betrays his or her own country by helping an invading enemy.
  • rancor an angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has treated you unfairly
  • reconciliation the act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement
  • recurrent happening many times
  • reprove to criticize or correct (someone) usually in a gentle way
  • retain to hold or keep
  • revoke to officially cancel the power or effect of (something, such as a law, license, agreement, etc.); to make (something) not valid
  • ruse a trick or act that is used to fool someone
  • scrap to get rid of (something) because it is damaged, no longer useful, etc.
  • self-righteousness self-satisfaction based on the belief that one's own morals are superior to the morals of others
  • sentient conscious; capable of feeling or perceiving
  • shorthand a system of rapid handwriting that employs symbols, abbreviations, and shortened words to represent words and phrases
  • squirt a small amount of liquid that is produced by squeezing or squirting something
  • stipulate to demand or require (something) as part of an agreement
  • taint something that causes a person or thing to be thought of as bad, dishonest, etc.
  • tantalize to tease
  • twerp a silly or annoying person
  • ubiquitous present, appearing, or found everywhere
  • uncouth uncultured, lacking good manners
  • venerate to respect deeply
  • vestige the last small part that remains of something that existed before
  • vigilant carefully noticing problems or signs of danger
  • wanton showing no thought or care for the rights, feelings, or safety of others
  • wizen to become or cause to become withered or dry
  • xenophobia a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers
  • xiphoid shaped like a sword
  • yammer to whine or complain
  • yaw a side-to-side motion of the nose of the aircraft, ship, etc.
  • zealous enthusiastic
  • zenith the highest point; peak

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