Enkel presens nekande - Övning 1

The exercise was created 13.02.2024 by 2022Ankan. Anzahl Fragen: 24.

Fragen wählen (24)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • vi tycker inte om katter we don't like cats
  • Anna köper inte ett hus Anna doesn't buy a house
  • vi somnar inte på soffan we don't fall asleep on the sofa
  • han kommer inte ihåg oss he doesn't remember us
  • mommo berättar inte historier grandma doesn't tell stories
  • vi kan inte vänta we can't wait
  • vi möter honom inte we don't meet him
  • jag vill inte sjunga I don't want to sing
  • vi kan inte parkera här we can't park here
  • jag läser inte en bok I don't read a book
  • skon passar inte the shoe doesn't fit
  • jag samlar inte muggar I don't collect mugs
  • hunden gråter inte the dog doesn't cry
  • min bror tycker inte om fisk my brother doesn't like fish
  • hon stiger inte upp klockan 7 she doesn't get up at 7
  • du hittar inte pengar you don't find money
  • vi åker inte till Sverige we don't go to Sweden
  • min dotter hjälper mig inte my daughter doesn't help me
  • hon behöver inte kaffe she doesn't need coffee
  • de arbetar inte för mycket they don't work too much
  • Jim ringer inte sin vän Jim doesn't call his friend
  • vi bor inte i Finland we don't live in Finland
  • pappa promenerar inte till jobbet dad doesn't walk to work
  • vi tittar inte på TV we don't watch TV

All None

Freigegebene Übung

