Fair trade English 7

The exercise was created 15.02.2024 by sk-ycverdvcue. Anzahl Fragen: 29.

Fragen wählen (29)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • consume konsumera
  • participant deltagare
  • fair rättvis
  • disconnected bortkopplad
  • enforce upprätthålla, driva igenom
  • issue problem, fråga
  • dismal trist, dyster
  • purchase köpa
  • similar likande
  • wages löner
  • promote gynna, stödja
  • sustainability hållbarhet
  • supply and demand utbud och efterfrågan
  • exhilarating stimulerande, uppiggande
  • corporation bolag
  • extent omfång
  • ultimately till sist, i slutändan
  • immensely enormt
  • exclusively enbart, utesutande
  • conventional traditionell, konventionell
  • vehicle förmedlare
  • assures försäkra, förvissa
  • commodities handelsvaror, dagligvaror
  • provision tillhandahållande
  • sholarships stipendier
  • charity välgörenhet
  • artisan hantverk
  • consistant konsistent, stadig
  • immersed uppslukad av

All None

Freigegebene Übung

