frågor med did

The exercise was created 13.03.2016 by karlslund. Anzahl Fragen: 26.

Fragen wählen (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • hjälpte du henne did you help her
  • var träffade du honom where did you meet him
  • gick du till museet did you go to the museum
  • gick de med sina pappor did they go with their fathers
  • och vad gjorde de and what did they do
  • hörde hon meddelandet did she hear the message
  • vad skrev han what did he write
  • när anlände de when did they arrive
  • hade du en bra helg did you have a nice weekend
  • började festen klockan fem did the party start at five
  • vad drack de what did they drink
  • dansade alla did everyone dance
  • hur många vänner bjöd du how many friends did you invite
  • varför skrek hon why did she scream
  • vart gick dom where did they go
  • vem hjälpte hon who did she help
  • varför grät dom why did they cry
  • vilken tid gick de upp at what time did they get up
  • körde du bilen did you drive the car
  • varför drack du mjölken why did you drink the milk
  • han gjorde det inte he did not do it
  • simmade hunden did the dog swim
  • varför kysste du inte henne why didn´t you kiss her
  • hjälpte någon honom did anyone help him
  • såg polisen dom did the police see them
  • tittade katten på musen did the cat watch the mouse

All None

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