Franska basics

The exercise was created 28.03.2022 by adiskatten00. Anzahl Fragen: 17.

Fragen wählen (17)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • pass it to me passe-le-moi
  • I know it has to do with je sais que ca a à voir avec
  • it will be ce sera
  • he will be here il sera là
  • it will take place il aura lieu
  • i will make j'irai faire
  • if you were still here I would make a cake si tu étais encore là, je ferais un gâteau
  • il n't aurait pas de problème si... there would be no problem if...
  • ils seraient venus s'ils avaient reçu une invitation they would have come if they had gotten an invitation
  • elle allait a l'église chaque semaine she went to church every week
  • j'irai a l'université l'automne prochain i will go to university next autumn
  • tu irais si tu avais vu les photos you would go if you had seen the pictures
  • tu voulais me voir you wanted to see me
  • vous voudrez du lait? would you like some milk?
  • J'aurais voulu être sur tes épaules I would have liked be on your shoulders
  • c'est arrive la semaine dernière it happened last week
  • ils vont venir à six heures they will come at six o'clock

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