Franska, ( will, is, have, how are you)

The exercise was created 14.01.2025 by hannaaheriksson. Anzahl Fragen: 23.

Fragen wählen (23)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Je vais (jö-ve) I am going/will
  • Tu vas You will
  • Vous allez (vos-ale) You will formal
  • Il va He will
  • Elle va (ell-va) She will
  • Nous allons (nos-alone) We will
  • Il est (ile) He is
  • Elle est (ell-e) She is
  • Ils sont (il-so) They are
  • Elles sont (ell-so) They are (women)
  • Nous sommes (no-som) We are
  • Je suis I am
  • tu es (tu-e) You are
  • Vous êtes (voset) You are formal
  • Il a He has
  • Elle a She has
  • Ils ont (il-såh) They have
  • Elles ont (ell-såh) They have (women)
  • Nous avons (nosa-vå) We have
  • J'ai (jeh) I have
  • Tu as You have
  • Vous avez (vosa-ve) You have formal
  • Comment allez vous (comma-tale-vo) How are you?

All None

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