Grammar in January

The exercise was created 12.10.2024 by sminchiola. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Det finns inga kvar. There aren't any left., There aren't some left., It aren't any left.
  • Öppningsdatumet har inte tillkännagivits ännu. The opening date has not yet been announced., The opening date have not yet been announced., The opening date has not yet announced.
  • Hans hund kördes på av en bil. His dog was hit by a car., He's dog was hit by a car., His dog were hit by a car., His dog was hitted by a car.
  • Den där stackars hunden har förlorat ett av sina ben. That poor dog has lost one of its legs., That poor dog has lost one of it's legs., That poor dog have lost one of its legs.
  • Det där är min brors lösning och det här är min. That is my brother's solution and this is mine., That is my brothers' solution and this is my., This is my brother's solution and that is mine.
  • Fastän vi hade ett paraply blev vi extremt blöta. Although we had an umbrella we got extremely wet., Although we had an umbrella got we extremely wet.
  • Han bowlar aldrig. He never goes bowling., He goes never bowling., He never go bowling.
  • Vi vaknade i gryningen. We woke up at dawn., We woke up in dawn., We waked up at dawn.
  • Jag går alltid ut på fredagkvällar. I always go out on Friday nights., I always go out at Friday nights., I always goes out on Friday nights.
  • Har någon sett min väska? Has anyone seen my purse?, Have someone seen my purse?, Have anyone seen my purse?, Has anyone seed my purse?
  • Det här är min vän Sylvie. This is my friend Sylvie., It here is my friend Sylvie., This are my friend Sylvie.
  • Vem är den mest berömda idrottaren i världen? Who is the most famous athlete in the world?, Who is most famous athlete in world?, Who are the most famous athlete in the world?
  • De där målningarna som du gav mig ser jättebra ut på min vägg. Those paintings that you gave me look great on my wall., Those paintings that you gave me looks great on my wall., Those paintings that you gave me look great on mine wall., These paintings that you gave me look great on my wall.
  • Berättade någon för studenterna om resan? Did someone tell the students about the trip?, Did someone told the students about the trip?, Did someone tell students about trip?
  • Festen kommer att organiseras av studenterna själva. The party will be organized by the students themselves., The part will organize by the students themselves., The party will be organized by the students theirselfs.
  • Jag trivs alltid bra med människor som älskar husdjur. I always get on well with people who love animals., I always gets on well with people who loves animals., I always get on well with people which love animals., I always get on well with peoples who love animals.
  • Vårt klassrum håller på att målas. Our classroom is being painted., Our classroom is being painting., Our classroom are being painted., Ours classroom is being painted.
  • Låt oss gå till kafét där de säljer pizza. Let's go to the café where they sell pizza., Let's go to the café that they sell pizza., Let's go to the café which they sell pizza., Let's go to the café there they sell pizza., Let's go to the café where they sells pizza.
  • Clare skrev inte det där meddelandet. Clare didn't write that message., Clare didn't wrote that message., Clare didn't writed that message.
  • Jag har ett meddelande från Thomas vars skidor jag ska låna. I've got a message from Thomas whose skis I'm going to borrow., I've got a message from Thomas who's skis I'm going to borrow., I've got a message from Thomas whose ski's I'm going to borrow.

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