Holidays - Travelling tips (1) p. 102

The exercise was created 23.06.2020 by anna_kohler. Anzahl Fragen: 25.

Fragen wählen (25)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • definitivt definitely
  • slå sig ihop med team up with
  • förslag suggestion
  • råd advice
  • erbjudande offer
  • gräva fram dig out
  • badbyxor trunks
  • sololja suntan oil
  • semester vacation
  • resmål destination
  • här: fråga (i omröstning) poll
  • svara respond
  • semesterfirare holidaymaker
  • kulle hill
  • fortfarande still
  • pålitligt reliably
  • särskilt particularly
  • upptäcka discover
  • lata sig laze
  • fantastisk magnificent
  • om och om igen, gång på gång time and time again
  • lockelse draw
  • djurliv wildlife
  • vibrerande, dallrande vibrant
  • kolla in check out

All None

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