Hud T7

Text to image alternatives

Image to text alternatives

Image to text

Fragen wählen (73)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • amelanotiskt malignt melanom
  • angiom
  • angioödem
  • atopiskt eksem
  • basaliom
  • bältros
  • böjveckseksem
  • café au lait fläck
  • eczema herpeticum
  • nagelbandseksem
  • erytema migrans
  • erytema multiforme
  • fingervårta
  • fjärilsextantem
  • gluttat psoriasis
  • granuloma annulare
  • halonevi
  • handeksem
  • hårbottenpsoriasis
  • ichtyos
  • impetigo
  • invers psoriasis
  • invers psoriasis
  • keratosis pilaris
  • komedoner
  • kontaktdermatit
  • kutan lupus erytematosus
  • lichen ruber planus
  • lichen simplex chronicus
  • lichenifiering
  • makropapulöst exantem
  • malignt melanom
  • malignt melanom
  • molluscum contagiosum
  • munherpes
  • nagelpsoriasis
  • nagelpsoriasis
  • nagelpsoriasis
  • nagelsvamp
  • necrobiosis lipoidica
  • neurofibromatos
  • nevus
  • nodulocystisk acne
  • nodulocystisk acne
  • nodulärt basaliom
  • nodulärt basaliom
  • nummulärt eksem
  • oral lichen ruber planus
  • palpabel purpura
  • papulopustulös acne
  • pemfigoid
  • pityriasis versicolor
  • plackpsoriasis
  • pustulös palmoplantar psorisais
  • pustulös psoriasis
  • pyoderma gangränosum
  • rosacea
  • rosacea
  • rosacea
  • serrebroiskt eksem
  • serrebroiskt eksem
  • serrebroiskt eksem
  • skabb
  • skivepitelscancer in situ
  • skivepitelscancer
  • tinea capitis
  • tinea corporis
  • tinea manum
  • tinea unguium et pedis
  • urtikaria
  • venöst eksem
  • venöst sår
  • vitiligo

All None

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