Irregular verbs 1

The exercise was created 17.10.2017 by LararMita. Anzahl Fragen: 34.

Fragen wählen (34)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • slå beat, beat, beaten
  • bli become, became, become
  • börja begin, began, begun
  • böja bend, bent, bent
  • bita bite, bit, bitten
  • blåsa blow, blew, blown
  • bryta break, broke, broken
  • ta med bring, brought, brought
  • bygga build, built, built
  • brinna burn, burnt, burnt
  • brista burst, burst, burst
  • köpa buy, bought, bought
  • fånga catch, caught, caught
  • välja choose, chose, chosen
  • komma come, came, come
  • kosta cost, cost, cost
  • skära; hugga cut, cut, cut
  • handla; ta itu med; ge deal, dealt, dealt
  • gräva dig, dug, dug
  • göra do, did, done
  • She has (bli) become a successful lawyer.
  • Last week they (gräva) dug a hole in the garden and planted a bush.
  • The jumper (kosta) costs a fortune! I can't afford it.
  • I have (börja) begun to organise my folders, but I'm not done yet.
  • She was fine this morning, but at the funeral she (brista) burst into tears.
  • The dog needs to be put down because it has (bita) bitten a small boy.
  • I can't stay any longer, because I need to (ta) catch a bus.
  • This fantastic day (föra) brings back memories.
  • She will be punished because she has (bryta) broken the rules.
  • Nowadays, I always (köpa) buy flowers on Fridays.
  • I am finally (hugga) cutting down that dead tree now.
  • Jimmy tried to steal a cookie again, but I (tog) caught him red-handed!
  • There are too many choices! I don't know which one to (välja) choose since they are all so beautiful.
  • The wind (blåsa) blew cold, so I closed the window.

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