läxa 3 (oregelbundna verb)

The exercise was created 07.03.2019 by raos01. Anzahl Fragen: 11.

Fragen wählen (11)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • visa, visade, visat show, shew/showed, shown
  • ha, hade, haft have, had, had
  • är/bli, var/blev, varit/blivit be, was, been
  • skära, skar, skurit cut, cut, cut
  • , fick, fått get, got, got/gotten
  • rida/cykla, red/cyklade, ridit/cyklat ride, rode, ridden
  • vinna, vann, vunnit win, won, won
  • finna, fann, funnit find, found, found
  • höra, hörde, hört hear, heard, heard
  • stå, stod, stått stand, stood, stood
  • dricka, drack, druckit drink, drank, drunk

All None

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