LDOCE Test Part IV

The exercise was created 16.04.2021 by Ada795. Anzahl Fragen: 242.

Fragen wählen (242)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Principle A moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave
  • Prior Existing or arranged before something else or before the present situation
  • Prospect The possibility that something will happen
  • Profession A job that needs a high level of education and training
  • Pursue To continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time
  • Quote To repeat exactly what someone else has said or written
  • Quantity An amount of something that can be counted or measured
  • Progress The process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to finishing or achieving something
  • Propose To suggest something as a plan or course of action
  • Prosecution When a charge is made against someone for a crime, or when someone is judged for a crime in a court of law
  • Punishments Something that is done in order to punish someone, or the act of punishing them
  • Publicity The attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc
  • Profit An advantage that you gain from doing something
  • Purchase To buy something
  • Privilege A special advantage that is given only to one person or group of people
  • Qualified Having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job
  • Proceed To continue to do something that has already been planned or started
  • Promote To help something to develop or increase / To give someone a better more responsible job in a company
  • Radical A radical change or difference is very big and important
  • Raffle A competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets and can win prizes
  • Rails / Go off the rails The railway system / To start behaving in a strange or socially unacceptable way
  • Raise To move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level
  • Provide Used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done
  • Range A number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type
  • Remarkably rapid recovery A very fast period of time to get things back to normal
  • Rate The number of times something happens, or the number of examples of something within a certain period
  • Recall To remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past
  • Receptive Willing to consider new ideas or listen to someone else’s opinions
  • Recent recommendations Official advice given to someone, especially about what to do that was given not long ago
  • Recession A difficult time when there is less trade, business activity etc in a country than usual
  • Realistic Judging and dealing with situations in a practical way according to what is actually possible rather than what you would like to happen
  • Reduce To make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price
  • Reasonable Fair and sensible
  • Receive recognition The act of realizing and accepting that something is true or important
  • Reckon redundancy To think or suppose a situation in which someone has to leave their job, because they are no longer needed
  • Refer If you refer to a particular subject or person, you talk about them or mention them.
  • Reference A part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing reference to
  • Reflection A careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on something
  • Regarding Concerning or relating to
  • Refugee Someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially during a war, or for political or religious reasons
  • Reform A change or changes made to a system or organization in order to improve it
  • Regularly At the same time each day, week, month etc
  • Remind To make someone remember something that they must do
  • Remember To bring information or facts that you know into your mind
  • Reinforce To give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling, and make it stronger
  • Relate If two things relate, they are connected in some way
  • Reject To refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something
  • Relief A feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful has ended or has not happened
  • Relieve To reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings
  • Relevant Directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered
  • Release To let someone go free, after having kept them somewhere
  • Remains The parts of something that are left after the rest has been destroyed or has disappeared
  • Remedy A way of dealing with a problem or making a bad situation better
  • Remote Far from towns or other places where people live
  • Representative Someone who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions for someone else
  • Reputation The opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past
  • Resident Someone who lives or stays in a particular place
  • Requirements The capital needed by a company to operate, grow etc
  • Resistance A refusal to accept new ideas or changes
  • Reward Something that you get because you have done something good or helpful or have worked hard
  • Resolution A formal decision or statement agreed on by a group of people, especially after a vote
  • Ridiculous Very silly or unreasonable
  • Restrict To limit or control the size, amount, or range of something
  • Resources Something such as useful land, or minerals such as oil or coal, that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth
  • Ruin To spoil or destroy something completely
  • Retirement When you stop working, usually because of your age
  • Revenue The amount of money received from selling goods or products divided by the total number of goods or products sold
  • Revolution A complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc
  • Riot A situation in which a large crowd of people are behaving in a violent and uncontrolled way, especially when they are protesting about something
  • Rural Happening in or relating to the countryside, not the citySsO50V4RWRpdEV4ZXJjaXNlfDEwMzc0OTI0fHNob3dlfDA#
  • Routines The usual order in which you do things, or the things you regularly do
  • Responsibilities The idea that a company’s role is not just about producing goods, but that it has a duty to help people in society and protect the environment
  • Royal Relating to or belonging to a king or queen
  • Resolve To find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty
  • Robbery The crime of stealing money or things from a bank, shop etc, especially using violence
  • Salvation Something that prevents or saves someone or something from danger, loss, or failure
  • Safety When someone or something is safe from danger or harm
  • Security Things that are done to keep a person, building, or country safe from danger or crime
  • Sandwich Two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, cooked egg etc between them
  • Satisfaction A feeling of happiness or pleasure because you have achieved something or got what you wanted
  • Sensible Reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment
  • Savings When people spend less than they earn because there are not enough goods available to buy or because goods are too expensive
  • Sayings A well-known short statement that expresses an idea most people believe is true and wise
  • Scheme An official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training
  • Scientific About or relating to science, or using its methods
  • Scope The range of things that a subject, activity, book etc deals with
  • Selection The careful choice of a particular person or thing from a group of similar people or things
  • Sequence The order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
  • Separated Not living with your husband, wife, or sexual partner anymore
  • Scale The size or level of something, or the amount that something is happening
  • Score The number of points that each team or player has won in a game or competition
  • Setting The place where something is or where something happens, and the general environment
  • Settlements When shares etc that are bought on a financial market are paid for with money, rather than with other investments
  • Severe Severe problems, injuries, illnesses etc are very bad or very serious
  • Shaft A passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out
  • Specify To state something in an exact and detailed way
  • Shall Used to emphasize that something will definitely happen, or that you are determined that something should happen
  • Shell The hard outer part that covers and protects an egg, nut, or seed
  • Shortly Soon
  • Significant Having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future
  • Shrug To raise and then lower your shoulders in order to show that you do not know something or do not care about something
  • Shoulders One of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck where the arm is connected
  • Sign A piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives people information, warnings, or instructions
  • Similarities If there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way
  • Skinny Very thin, especially in a way that is unattractive
  • Slim Someone who is slim is attractively thin
  • Society People in general, considered in relation to the laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together
  • Ski slope A snow-covered part of a mountain which has been prepared for people to ski down
  • Snapped To break with a sudden sharp noise, or to make something do this
  • Soak If you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it covered with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or easier to clean
  • Solid Hard or firm, with a fixed shape, and not a liquid or gas
  • Sophisticated Having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc
  • Solution A way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
  • Soap The substance that you use to wash your body
  • Soup Cooked liquid food, often containing small pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables
  • Sources A thing, place, activity etc that you get something from
  • Spaces Somewhere that advertising is placed or shown
  • Species A group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants
  • Spare Not being used or not needed at the present time
  • Spot A particular place or area, especially a pleasant place where you spend time
  • Spotting Bird-spotting / train-spotting etc
  • Spray To force liquid out of a container so that it comes out in a stream of very small drops and covers an area
  • Spread If something spreads or is spread, it becomes larger or moves so that it affects more people or a larger area
  • Springs Comes to mind / Something, usually a twisted piece of metal, that will return to its previous shape after it has been pressed down
  • Square Having four straight equal sides and 90° angles at the corners
  • Stable Steady and not likely to move or change
  • Stabbed To push a knife into someone or something
  • Stadium A building for public events, especially sports and large rock music concerts, consisting of a playing field surrounded by rows of seats
  • Stalking The crime of following and watching someone over a period of time in a way that is very annoying or threatening
  • Stalemate A situation in which it seems impossible to settle an argument or disagreement, and neither side can get an advantage
  • Stand up To be on your feet, or to rise to your feet
  • Starred Playes a role in a movie for example
  • Stared To look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes, for example because you are surprised, angry, or bored
  • Start To begin
  • Starvation Suffering or death caused by lack of food
  • Stateless Not officially being a citizen of any country
  • Statement Something you say or write, especially publicly or officially, to let people know your intentions or opinions, or to record facts
  • Statues An image of a person or animal that is made in solid material such as stone or metal and is usually large
  • Stereotypes A belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like. Stereotypes are often unfair or untrue
  • Stewardess A woman whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane or ship
  • Stuck Impossible or unable to move from a particular position
  • Stone deaf Completely unable to hear
  • Stone Age The Stone Age / Stenåldern
  • Stop To not continue, or to make someone or something not continue
  • Strike To hit or fall against the surface of something
  • Straight In a line or direction that is not curved or bent
  • Forward Towards a place or position that is in front of you
  • Strategies The way you accomplish your task
  • Suggest To tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc
  • Struggle To try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult
  • Strengthen To become stronger or make something stronger
  • Student Someone who is studying at a university, school etc
  • String Together, used for tying or fastening things
  • Succeed To do what you tried or wanted to do
  • Suffering Serious physical or mental pain
  • Supplied An amount of something that is available to be used
  • Subsequent Happening or coming after something else
  • Sufficiently As much as is needed for a particular purpose
  • Substantial Large in amount or number
  • Surface The top layer of an area of water or land
  • Survey A set of questions that you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour
  • Sustain To make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time
  • Tend Tend to do something / often tend to
  • Swallow To make food or drink go down your throat and towards your stomach
  • Suspicion A feeling you have that someone is probably guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest
  • Survive To continue to live after an accident, war, or illness
  • Threat A statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want
  • Tempted To try to persuade someone to do something by making it seem attractive
  • Temporarily Continuing for only a limited period of time
  • Swap To give something to someone and get something in return
  • Tackle To try to deal with a difficult problem
  • Tasks A piece of work that must be done, especially one that is difficult or unpleasant or that must be done regularly
  • Thus As a result of something that you have just mentioned
  • Throughout In every part of a particular area, place etc
  • Suitable Having the right qualities for a particular person, purpose, or situation
  • Tabled Present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting.
  • Throat The passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach
  • Tighten To close or fasten something firmly by turning it
  • Tension A nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax
  • Timber Wood used for building or making things
  • Transport A system or method for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another
  • Tip The end of something, especially something pointed
  • Ton 1000 kilos
  • Tone The way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean
  • Topic A subject that people talk or write about
  • Tough Difficult to do or deal with
  • Tower A tall narrow building either built on its own or forming part of a castle, church etc
  • Thrill A sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure, or the thing that makes you feel this
  • Towns A large area with houses, shops, offices etc where people live and work, that is smaller than a city and larger than a village
  • Tracks A narrow path or road with a rough uneven surface, especially one made by people or animals frequently moving through the same place
  • Travel To go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away
  • Towards Used to say that someone or something moves, looks, faces etc in the direction of someone or something
  • Transition When something changes from one form or state to another
  • Trade The activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries
  • Transaction A business deal or action, such as buying or selling something
  • Treatment Something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill
  • Treaty A formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments
  • Trial A legal process in which a judge and often a jury in a court of law examine information to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime
  • Undertake To accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it
  • Unfair Not right or fair, especially because not everyone has an equal opportunity
  • View What you think or believe about something
  • United Joined or closely connected by feelings, aims etc
  • Universal Involving everyone in the world or in a particular group
  • Unknown Not known about
  • Urban Relating to towns and cities
  • Urgent Very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
  • Vacancy A job that is available for someone to start doing
  • Vacation A holiday, or time spent not working
  • Vegetable A plant that is eaten raw or cooked, such as a cabbage, a carrot, or peas
  • Vice Criminal activities that involve sex or drugs
  • Vote To show which person or party you want, or whether you support a plan, by marking a piece of paper, raising your hand etc
  • Violence Behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically
  • Voluntary Work etc that is done by people who do it because they want to, and who are not paid
  • Virtues Moral goodness of character and behaviour
  • Wage Money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work
  • Vulnerable Someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt
  • Useful Helping you to do or get what you want
  • Waiting To stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc
  • Vast Extremely large
  • Wandered To walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose
  • Warning Something, especially a statement, that tells you that something bad, dangerous, or annoying might happen so that you can be ready or avoid it
  • Weaknesses A fault in someone’s character or in a system, organization, design etc
  • Willing Prepared to do something, or having no reason to not want to do it
  • Wonders To think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc
  • Welfare Someone’s welfare is their health and happiness
  • Who Used to ask or talk about which person is involved, or what the name of a person is
  • Whom The object form of ‘who’, used especially in formal speech or writing
  • Witness Someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened
  • Worry To be anxious or unhappy about someone or something, so that you think about them a lot
  • Waste When something such as money or skills are not used in a way that is effective, useful, or sensible
  • Wild Living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by people
  • Withdrawal The act of moving an army, weapons etc away from the area where they were fighting
  • Wrapped (Also wrap up) to put paper or cloth over something to cover it
  • Yard A unit for measuring length, equal to three feet or 0.91 metres
  • Wish If you wish to do something or you wish to have it done for you, you want to do it or want to have it done
  • Wealth A large amount of money, property etc that a person or country owns
  • Youth The period of time when someone is young, especially the period when someone is a teenager
  • Whisper To speak or say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your voice
  • Worth When womething is worth doing, it has substance doing it
  • Weighing To have a particular weight
  • Widespread Existing or happening in many places or situations, or among many people
  • Zone A large area that is different from other areas around it in some way

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