Lesson 16

The exercise was created 19.09.2014 by alice. Anzahl Fragen: 48.

Fragen wählen (48)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • えきいん Station attendant
  • おおきさ Size
  • おや Parent
  • きまつしけん Final examination
  • けんきゅう Research
  • ごみ Garbage
  • さとう Sugar
  • しょうがくきん Scholarship
  • しんせき Relatives
  • すいせんじょう Letter of recommendation
  • だいがくいん Graduate school
  • たいふう Typhoon
  • Day
  • ファイル File, portfolio
  • みち Way, road, directions
  • めざましどけい Alarm clock
  • きたない Dirty
  • おこす To wake (someone) up を
  • おごる To treat (someone) to a meal  (person に meal を)
  • おちこむ To get depressed
  • こまる To have difficulty
  • だす To take (something) out, to hand in (something) を
  • つれていく To take (someone) to (a place)  (person を place に)
  • なおす To correct, to fix を
  • みちにまよう To become lost, to lose one`s way
  • みつかる To be found が
  • むかえにいく To go to pick up  (place まで/に person を)
  • やくす To translate  (source を target に)
  • わらう To laugh
  • アイロンをかける To iron (clothes)  に
  • あつめる To collect を
  • いれる To put (something) in  (thing を place に)
  • のりおくれる To miss (a train, bus, etc.) に
  • みせる To show を
  • あさねぼうする To oversleep
  • あんないする To show (someone) around  (place を)
  • せつめいする To explain
  • むかえにくる To come pick up  (place まで/ に person を)
  • ええと Well..., let me see...
  • きょうじゅうに By the end of the day
  • このあいだ The other day
  • このぐらい About this much
  • ごめん I`m sorry. (casual)
  • これから From now on
  • しつれいします Excuse me, Sorry to interrupt you.
  • じぶんで (do to something) by oneself
  • じゅぎょうちゅうに In class, during the class
  • ほかの Other

All None

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