Lettiska glosor

The exercise was created 08.12.2023 by hugohofer00. Anzahl Fragen: 225.

Fragen wählen (225)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • drīz soob
  • parasti usually
  • mazs little
  • un and
  • brīvas free
  • you (pl) are jūs esat
  • you (pl) are not jūs neesat
  • deviņi nine
  • Es esmu I am
  • Es neesmu I am not
  • astoņdesmit eighty
  • divdesmit twenty
  • jau already
  • četri four
  • apmēram about
  • daudz many
  • no from
  • uz to/for/on
  • jūsu your (pl)
  • viņa his
  • naktī at night
  • es saprotu I understand
  • es nesaprotu I do not understand
  • liels big (masculine)
  • leila big (feminine)
  • svētdiena sunday
  • sestdiena saturday
  • vienpadsmit eleven
  • trīsdesmit thirty
  • Es zinu I know
  • Es nezinu I do not know
  • labs good (masculine)
  • laba good (feminine)
  • Viss ir labi Everything is okay
  • tētis father
  • man ir I have
  • man nav I do not have
  • bet but
  • jums ir you (pl) have
  • jums nav you (pl) do not have
  • pa kreisi to the left
  • brokastīs for breakfast
  • trešdiena wednesday
  • pirmdiena monday
  • tas it / that (masculine)
  • it / that (feminine)
  • otrais second (masculine)
  • otrā second (feminine)
  • septiņdesmit seventy
  • jums arī you too (formal)
  • tev arī you too (informal)
  • arī also / too
  • katru dienu everyday
  • ceturtais fourth (masculine)
  • ceturtā fourth (feminine)
  • kārtība finished / order
  • četrdesmit fourty
  • agrāk earlier
  • bieži often
  • silts warm
  • es esmu no Zviedrijas I am from Sweden
  • if someone asks ''at what time?'' (9:30) how to answer?? just the hours gets the os-ending: deviņos trīsdesmit
  • devītais ninth (masculine)
  • devītā ninth (feminine)
  • krieviski russian
  • nekad never
  • četrpadsmit fourteen
  • cik daudz? how much?
  • tas sākas it starts
  • tavs your (singular) masculine
  • tava your (singular) feminine
  • viņai ir she has
  • viņai nav she has not
  • piektais fifth (masculine)
  • piektā fifth (feminine)
  • majāsdarbs homework
  • pa labi to the right
  • labā kāja right leg
  • veinmēr always
  • bez without
  • man ir divdesmit trīs gadi I am 23 years old
  • piecdesmit fifty
  • vakariņās for dinner
  • pusdienās for lunch
  • how do you say the verb to have in present ? ir (same for all, man, tev, etc)
  • tu neesi you (singular) are not
  • tu esi you (singular) are
  • viņi ir they are (masculine)
  • viņi nav they are not (masculine)
  • ar with
  • gaļa meat
  • Cikos sākas lekcija? What time does the lecture start?
  • trīspadsmit thirteen
  • Vai viss ir kārtībā? Is everything all right?
  • mani mine (plural) masculine
  • manas mine (plural) feminine
  • pieci five
  • medicīna medicine
  • skaists beautiful (singular) masculine
  • skaisti beautiful (plural) masculine
  • skaistas beautiful (plural) feminine
  • skaista beautiful (singular) feminine
  • septiņi seven
  • es I
  • cik ir pulkstenis? what is the time?
  • septiņpadsmit seventeen
  • viņiem ir they (masculine) have
  • viņiem nav they (masculine) have not
  • slikts bad (masculine)
  • slikta bad (feminine)
  • cūka pig (always feminine)
  • jauks nice (masculine)
  • viss everything
  • tikai only
  • nedeļa week
  • šovakar tonight
  • šodien today
  • sešpadsmit sixteen
  • astoņi eight
  • viņām ir they (feminine) have
  • viņām nav they (feminine) do not have
  • es domaju I think
  • ļoti very
  • jo because (short)
  • tāpēc because (long)
  • pusnaktī at midnight
  • astoņpadsmit eighteen
  • viņam ir he has
  • viņam nav he has not
  • viens one
  • otrdiena tuesday
  • auksts cold
  • četrdesmit seši 46
  • seši six
  • tas beidzas it finishes
  • man patīk I like
  • man nepatīk I do not like
  • mans mine (singular) masculine
  • mana mine (singular) feminine
  • lieliski great
  • sestais sixth (masculine)
  • sestā sixth (feminine)
  • tavi your (masculine) plural
  • tavas your (feminine) plural
  • desmit ten
  • viņa ir she is
  • viņa nav she is not
  • man vajag I need
  • es gribetu I would like
  • es gribu I want
  • kur where
  • pēspusdienā in the afternoon
  • divi two
  • yes
  • dzimšanas diena birthday
  • at what time? At eight. Cikos? Astoņos.
  • divdesmit četri 24
  • alus beer
  • simts hundred
  • vīrietis un sieviete man and woman
  • viņas ir they (feminine) are
  • viņas nav they (feminine) are not
  • vēlāk later
  • bija to have (past)
  • mēnesis month
  • man ir jautājums I have a question
  • mēs we
  • viņš ir he is
  • viņš nav he is not
  • es ēdu I eat
  • viņu their
  • man nevajag I do not need
  • tev ir you (singular) have
  • tev nav you (singular) do not have
  • deviņdesmit ninety
  • pirmais first (masculine)
  • pirmā first (feminine)
  • cik ilgi? how long?
  • mums ir we have
  • mums nav we have not
  • reti rarily
  • rīt tomorrow
  • piecpadsmit fifteen
  • cik tas maksā? How much does it cost?
  • tagad now
  • septītais seventh (masculine)
  • septītā seventh (feminine)
  • trešais third (masculine)
  • trešā third (feminine)
  • labāk better
  • viņas they (feminine)
  • jūs you (plural)
  • astotais eighth (masculine)
  • astotā eighth (feminine)
  • kas who
  • kas what
  • nekas nothing
  • cikos beidzas nodarbība? when does the class end?
  • cikos ir filma? when is the movie?
  • viņa she
  • tas ir this is (masculine)
  • māsa sister
  • māsas sisters (many)
  • kāpēc why
  • vakarā in the evening
  • brālis brother
  • brāļi brothers
  • jūs you (formal)
  • tu you (informal)
  • vakar yesterday
  • viņi they (masculine)
  • no
  • how do you say the verb to have in future? būs
  • dažreiz sometimes
  • viņas her (ownership)
  • piemēram for example
  • mūsu our
  • sešdesmit sixty
  • ceturtdiena thursday
  • trīs three
  • vēlreiz again
  • mana ģimine my family
  • vai jūs gribetu? would you like?
  • noteikti for sure
  • varbūt maybe

All None

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