
The exercise was created 19.03.2017 by christelN. Anzahl Fragen: 38.

Fragen wählen (38)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • attraktion attraction
  • schimpans chimpanzee
  • inbördeskrig civil war
  • kolonisera colonise
  • följaktligen consequently
  • betrakta som consider
  • motsägelse contradiction
  • hantverk craft
  • årtionde decade
  • utropa declare
  • trots despite
  • på grund av due to
  • anställd employee
  • jämställd equal
  • upprätta, grunda establish
  • uppskatta estimate
  • befriad freed
  • slump happenstance
  • bege sig till head to
  • i utbyte in exchange
  • intressant, fascinerande intriguing
  • förena link
  • naturresurser natural resources
  • världshav ocean
  • med utsikt mot overlooking
  • fattigdomsgräns poverty line
  • råvara raw material
  • forfarande vara remain
  • gummi rubber
  • gummiplantage rubberplantation
  • fristad sanctuary
  • skeppa ship
  • likhet similarity
  • stöda support
  • timmer timber
  • gatuförsäljare vendor
  • våld violence
  • medan whereas

All None

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