Life past and present

The exercise was created 17.10.2022 by Kareri. Anzahl Fragen: 24.

Fragen wählen (24)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • miljö environment
  • andas breathe
  • ta för givet take for granted
  • brottslighet crime rate
  • arbetslöshet unemployment
  • obligatorisk compulsory
  • anställningstrygghet job security
  • vidare studier further studies
  • umgås socialise
  • nöjd content
  • medan däremot whereas
  • lysande, ljus bright
  • i stort sett generally speaking
  • bekvämligheter mod cons
  • forskning research
  • smittsam sjukdom contagious disease
  • botemedel cure
  • tillfällen opportunities
  • begränsa restrict
  • slå sig ner settle down
  • världsomfattande global
  • jämlikhet equality
  • beskärda del fair share
  • självständighet independence

All None

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