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The exercise was created 12.10.2022 by anab7. Anzahl Fragen: 149.

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  • accelerated delivery A delivery method that shows the ad to as many people as possible in a short period of time.
  • ad An item of promotional content.
  • ad auction A component of ad delivery through which you declare the maximum price you're willing to pay for a click, impression, or conversion.
  • ad delivery A process through which you declare the maximum price you're willing to pay for a click, impression, or conversion.
  • ad delivery optimization The delivery system Facebook uses to determine what outcome you are trying to accomplish based on the objective, optimization, and any other offsite signal provided in ad setup
  • ad format The layout of an ad which determines how the ad will look and how many images or videos it will contain.
  • ad level (Ads Manager) In Ads Manager, the ad level is the stage of campaign creation where you build individual ads.
  • ad set A group of ads that share the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, bid type, bid information and targeting information.
  • ad set level (Ads Manager) In Ads Manager, the ad set level is the stage of campaign creation where you build groups of ads.
  • Ads Manager An interface where you can view, make changes and access performance reports for all your campaigns, ad sets and ads
  • ads report A report created and managed in Ads Manager that indicates the performance of a set of ads.
  • advertiser bid The amount you bid in an ad auction
  • advertiser controls A component of ad delivery that allows you to adjust inputs to improve your ad performance.
  • API integration Direct integration from your customer system to Facebook for real time coverage of your business's offline activity
  • app event A logged action that people take on your app, which is usually used for capturing and measuring ad performance.
  • App Install (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the App Install campaign objective if you want your ad to send people to your app store to download your app.
  • API Defines how software components communicate.
  • asset Any account, tool, creative or data source owned by a business and used to promote, advertise or measure their business performance on Facebook
  • asset customization A feature in Ads Manager where you can provide multiple assets and the asset which is delivered is decided during delivery time.
  • Attribution Also known as "Facebook Attribution, " Attribution is a Facebook measurement solution that allows you to see which platform, channel, device, ads or content should be credited with a conversion.
  • attribution model The logic that determines how credit is given to touch- points for a conversion. The attribution model logic can be based on a rule or set of rules, or a statistical model.
  • attribution window The period of time during which conversions can be credited to a particular ad.
  • auction (buying type) An ad buying type wherein you decide that you would like to participate in an ad auction.
  • Audience Network A network of mobile app publishers who have been approved by Facebook to show Facebook ads in their apps.
  • automatic events Applicable to SDK and pixel data sources, automatic events is a feature that automatically accounts for events on your app or website.
  • automatic placements An option you select when uploading your ad content to Ads Manager that allows Facebook to automatically deliver your ad on the most effective platform.
  • bid The price for the outcome you're optimizing for.
  • bid cap A bid strategy that lets you set a maximum bid Facebook can use in each auction.
  • bid control A maximum bid amount you provide to help Facebook decide which results to spend budget on.
  • bid pacing The part of pacing that adjusts your bid or which auctions to enter based on how much budget and time you have left for your ad set.
  • bid strategy In Ads Manager and Reporting, a setting you select that helps Facebook determine how to spend your budget in alignment with their campaign goals.
  • Brand Awareness (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Brand Awareness campaign objective if you want people to recall and recognize the brand after seeing your ad.
  • brand lift Also known as "brand affinity, " brand lift is a metric that gives you insight into people's attitudes towards your brand and Brand Awareness.
  • breakdown effect A result of the Facebook pacing system that appears to shift impressions into underperforming ad sets, placements or ads. In reality, the system is designed to maximize the number of results for your campaign dependent on what ad set optimization you choose.
  • broad targeting When you mostly rely on the Facebook delivery system to find the best people to show your ads to.
  • budget (Ads Manager) A setting that you use to tell Facebook the maximum amount you’re willing to spend on each ad set in a campaign.
  • budget pacing The part of pacing where we may increase your budget spend if there's the potential of getting many optimization events with costs aligned to your bid strategy.
  • buying type A tool that allows multiple people to access and manage Pages, ad accounts and apps using their personal Facebook login credentials, while keeping their personal profile and business assets separate.
  • call-to-action An advertising method that encourages a direct response from people by prompting a specific action.
  • campaign An ad or series of ads built around a single theme or set of attributes and delivered by an ad platform to a specific audience
  • campaign budget optimization (Ads Manager) A setting in Ads Manager that enables Facebook to distribute your spend across the ad sets in your campaign to get the best overall performance.
  • campaign level (Ads Manager) In Ads Manager, the campaign level is the stage of campaign creation where you build an ad or series of ads around a single theme or set of characteristics
  • campaign objective The first level in Facebook's ad system, comprised of ad sets and ads, where you set the objectives for your campaign.
  • Campaign Planner A Facebook tool that allows you to create and compare different versions of a campaign plan.
  • carousel (ad format) Promotional content that displays multiple images or videos that scroll from left to right.
  • catalog A business asset used for storing and managing inventory businesses want to advertise or otherwise promote on Facebook Products.
  • Catalog Sales (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Catalog Sales campaign objective if you want to reach your target audience with relevant products from your online catalog in an automated way
  • clicks A metric for the number of times an objective has been clicked.
  • click-through rate The number of times a link on a web page is clicked compared to the number of times it is displayed.
  • collection (ad format) An assembly or grouping of promotional items that may be systematically ordered.
  • content ID (parameter) A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information about the ID of the product or service people engage with on your app or website.
  • content type (Parameter) A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information about the product or service type people engage with on your app or website.
  • contents (parameter) A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information about the product or service people engage with on your app or website.
  • control group The "unexposed" group of people in a study for which no factors of the test are influenced. It's used as a benchmark to measure the effect of the test.
  • Conversion Lift A product that leverages Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) to measure the number of incremental conversions that happen as a result of Facebook ads.
  • conversion path In Facebook's Attribution interface, the sequence of touchpoints that lead to a single conversion.
  • Conversions (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Conversions campaign objective if you want to prompt valuable actions on your website, in your app, in Messenger or in WhatsApp.
  • Core Audiences A default targeting option that allows you to direct your ads to people based on demographics, location, interests and behaviors.
  • cost cap A bid strategy that enables you to set a maximum average cost per optimization event for an ad set.
  • cost control The amount you're willing to pay per optimization event. A cost control helps Facebook spend your budget on the optimization events best aligned with your goals. It also tells Facebook to stop delivering your ads if continuing to do so would violate your cost control.
  • cost per action Also known as "cost per acquisition, " CPA is the cost to you each time an action is taken because of an ad.
  • cost per click The cost for each time an ad is clicked.
  • cost per impression The cost for each person who views your ad
  • cost per thousand impressions Also known as "cost per mille, " The average cost you've paid for 1, 000 impressions of your ad, or the average revenue you've received for 1, 000 impressions of an ad on your apps or websites.
  • creative fatigue When your ad performance suffers due to overexposure
  • Custom Audience A group of people created through a Facebook advertising feature that lets you find your existing audiences among people who are on Facebook
  • custom conversion A measurement object that is created by applying rules to existing events, used to capture unique ad outcomes.
  • custom event A logged action specified by you based on a specific action you want people to take on your website, app or offline.
  • customer relationship management (CRM) A type of tool that enables businesses to manage contact information and interactions through the customer lifecycle.
  • data source A tool, connection, piece of code or other object that collects information, such as Facebook pixel, Facebook SDK and offline conversions. The information can be used for measurement and analysis later
  • dayparting Also known as "scheduled ad delivery, " dayparting is an ad delivery option that allows you to specify certain hours and/or days of the week when your ads should show.
  • direct response (DR) Advertising that is intended to generate an immediate action (usually associated with ecommerce activities) like sign-up, purchase a product or mobile app install.
  • dynamic ad An ad type that can show a number of different products to an audience and choose the most relevant product to show to each individual in the audience.
  • dynamic ads for broad audiences Dynamic ads used to help you to expand your target audience rather than target those who’ve already visited, browsed or purchased items on your website.
  • dynamic creative A process whereby you give Facebook all of your creative assets for ads and we match them to the right audience automatically.
  • dynamic language optimization Dynamic language optimization allows you to create multiple ad sets for each language and apply separate language targeting if you're advertising in multiple markets or one market with various languages.
  • edit placements Also known as "manual placements, " edit placement is an option in Ads Manager that lets you choose the specific platform, across all of Facebook Products, where you want your ads to appear.
  • Engagement (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Engagement campaign objective if you want to send people to like your page, engage with your post or respond to your event.
  • engagement Custom Audience Also known as a "Facebook custom audience, " an engagement Custom Audience is a group of people likely to engage with your ad based on the people who have previously engaged with your content across Facebook Products.
  • estimated action rates A calculated value determined by how likely it is that your ad will lead to your desired outcome after it's shown to a person.
  • event A logged action that people take on your website, app or offline usually used for capturing and measuring ad performance.
  • Facebook IQ Insights The collection of information about a business's sales, revenue and customer reach on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Facebook Marketing Partner A third-party company who uses the Facebook Ads API to develop their own customized tools.
  • Facebook pixel A piece of code installed on your website that captures website events
  • Facebook Products Features, apps, technologies, software, products, or services offered by Facebook Inc. or Facebook Ireland Limited under our Data Policy.
  • Facebook SDK A piece of code installed on your app that captures app events.
  • feed A stream of posts or updates in a social media service.
  • first-party solutions Facebook tools (like Business Manager) that help streamline the development of your ad campaigns.
  • Gross Rating Point A unit of measurement of audience size for TV advertisements, according to Nielsen. It is used to measure the exposure to one or more programs or commercials, without regard to multiple exposures of the same advertising to individuals.
  • Inbox A Facebook feature used for managing messages, comments, broadcasts, automated responses and other direct communication features.
  • Instant Articles A Facebook feature that provides rich format, interactive articles that you can create and publish on Facebook.
  • Instant Experience (ad format) An interstitial landing page that loads instantly when someone taps on an ad on Facebook or Instagram. They are only supported on mobile placements and devices.
  • in–stream videos A Facebook feature that allows you to place ads before, during or after video content.
  • international Lookalike Audiences Also known as "multi-country Lookalike Audiences, " an international Lookalike Audience is a Lookalike Audience that spans beyond the borders of a single county.
  • key performance indicator A measurement to evaluate the success of a campaign or ad
  • Lead Generation (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Lead Generation campaign objective if you want to collect leads for your business.
  • learning phase In Ads Manager, a period of time where the delivery system is collecting information to optimize ad delivery. This term refers to the machine learning of our system, not your learning.
  • lifetime value The measure of the total value (such as total purchases) attributed to a group of customers using a third-party developer app.
  • Lookalike Audience A group of people who are similar to an existing audience, allowing you to direct your ad to people who “look like” your established customers.
  • lowest cost A bid strategy that prioritizes spending your entire budget. It doesn't allow you to control costs in any way other than setting a budget.
  • machine learning A discipline that uses science, information and computer code to automatically predict certain outcomes based on discovered patterns not explicitly programmed.
  • Marketplace A dedicated surface on Facebook for people to buy and sell with other people
  • media mix The methods and channels you use to meet your advertising goals.
  • Messages (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Messages campaign objective if you want to start and/or renew conversations with your customers in Messenger.
  • messaging A communication method through written text used on WhatsApp and Messenger
  • Messenger Facebook’s messaging app
  • multi-cel A study with multiple test groups, where group A is shown one ad, group B is shown a different ad and group C is shown no ad.
  • multi-touch attribution model A rule-based attribution model that allows you to credit multiple touchpoints in the consumer's conversion path.
  • offline conversions Allows you to measure how much your Facebook ads lead to offline outcomes, such as purchases in your stores, phone orders, bookings and more.
  • offline event A logged action that happens "offline." Offline events may include store visits, leads, sales calls, in-store purchases, activity on third-party sites (such as eBay) and more.
  • offline events set A collection of information about offline events for a business. An advertiser creates an offline event set in the offline event manager (in Ads Manager) and can then import information into that offline event set.
  • pacing system A component of ad delivery where Facebook tries to measure and project a campaign's end date to spend your budget as evenly as possible over the lifetime of your ad set.
  • parameter A modifier or custom value assigned to an event for the purpose of adding contextual information for measurement.
  • people-based measurement Leveraging real people, instead of cookies or proxy metrics alone, when measuring the effectiveness of your ad.
  • placement A location where you can show an ad on a website or app, such as News Feed, Instagram Stories or Messenger Inbox.
  • placement distribution (Campaign Planner) A chart available in Campaign Planner that shows the percentage of people predicted to see your ad arranged by placement.
  • point of sale Is the moment when a retail transaction is completed.
  • product catalog IDs (parameter) A parameter captured alongside events to pass additional information about the inventory people engage with on your app or website.
  • proxy metrics An approximate measure of information used when direct, concrete information is unavailable.
  • Reach (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Reach campaign objective if you want to maximize the number of people who will be shown your ad and how often they will be shown them.
  • reach and frequency (buying type) An ad buying type that allows you to reach an established number of people within a target audience at a specified frequency at a fixed price.
  • retargeting An advertising approach aimed at re-engaging people with who you've previously seen, previously engaged with or who have taken action on your website, app or offline business.
  • rule-based attribution model A tool that allows you to select the rule that will determine how conversions should be attributed to different touchpoints in the customer's conversion path.
  • scheduled delivery See “dayparting” definition.
  • sequenced delivery An ad delivery option, for the reach and frequency buying type, that allows you to serve your ads in a specific order or sequence.
  • single-cell A study with one test group, where group A is shown the ad but group B isn't shown the ad.
  • single-touch attribution model A rule-based attribution model that allows you to credit only one touchpoint in the consumer's conversion path.
  • slideshow (ad format) A type of video that's created using still images or videos, and may contain a music soundtrack.
  • split test Also known as "A/B testing, " a split test is a study that allows you to conduct a controlled experiment comparing multiple ad sets to see which performs the best.
  • sponsored message A Messenger ad type in the ads interface. The sponsored message ad unit allows you to send a message to people in Messenger who have an existing Messenger conversation with your business.
  • standard delivery An ad delivery option that helps you to spend your budget evenly over the course of your campaigns.
  • standard event A logged action that is predefined by Facebook
  • statistical attribution model A tool that allows you to look at historical information to determine how conversions should be attributed.
  • Store Traffic (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Store Traffic campaign objective if you want to send foot traffic to your physical stores
  • Stories A Facebook feature that allows people to post casual photos and videos that are stitched together into one unit of content that is available for 24 hours.
  • success metrics The measurements you use to determine the success of your campaign
  • suggested videos A feature that makes video suggestions to people while on Facebook.
  • target cost A bid strategy that enables you to prioritize getting a stable cost per optimization event. Facebook will try to keep costs as close to the amount you want as possible.
  • target rating point (Buying Type) An ad buying type that allows you to plan and buy video campaigns using Nielsen-verified target rating points (TRPs) on Facebook and Instagram.
  • targeting The process of defining an audience for your ads.
  • Test and Learn A tool in Ads Manager that helps you run tests on your ads and learn about their results.
  • test group The "exposed" group of people in a study for which factors of the test are influenced.
  • third-party solutions The tools offered from companies not owned by Facebook that help streamline the development of your ad campaigns
  • Traffic (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Traffic campaign objective if you want to send people from Facebook to a URL.
  • user value A calculated value determined by your ad quality along with how relevant your ad is to the chosen individual.
  • value (parameter) A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information about the price value of inventory people engage with on your app or website.
  • value-based Lookalike Audience The group of people most similar to your highest-value customers
  • Video Views (campaign objective) A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Video Views campaign objective if you want to have people watch your video.
  • Views The act of watching a video, usually for a specific duration of time.

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