Od6 What's up? The Bermuda Triangle Läxförhör

The exercise was created 13.03.2017 by Annki75. Anzahl Fragen: 24.

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  • superstitious vidskeplig
  • area område
  • the Atlantic Atlanten
  • well known välkänt
  • storms oväder
  • high waves höga vågor
  • have disappeared har försvunnit
  • in contact with i kontakt med
  • air traffic controllers radarkontrollen
  • to avoid a collision för att undvika en krock
  • never sent a mayday skickade aldrig ett nödanrop
  • picked up upplockade
  • aliens rymdvarelser
  • for sure säkert
  • graveyard kyrkogård
  • explain förklara
  • mysterious force mystisk kraft
  • go missing försvinna
  • might happen skulle kunna hända
  • The Bermuda Triangle is an island in the Atlantic No
  • A lot of ships an planes have landed there. No
  • John Verdi and Paul Lukaris were in a small boat over the Bermuda Triangle. No
  • John Verdi had to fly higher to avoid a collision with the spaceship. Yes
  • The never sent a letter. No

All None

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