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Text to image alternatives

Image to text alternatives

Image to text

Fragen wählen (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Aegopodium podagraria - kirskål
  • Artemisia vulgaris - gråbo
  • baldersbrå vs kamomill
  • Campanula rapunculoides - knölklocka
  • Cardamine hirsuta - bergsbräsma
  • Chenopodium album - svinmålla
  • Cirsium arvense - åkertistel
  • Convolvulus arvensis - åkervinda
  • Galinsoga quadriradiata - hårgängel
  • Heracleum mantegazzianum - jätteloka
  • Lactuca muralis - skogssallat
  • Petasites hybridus - pestskråp
  • Senecio vulgaris - korsört
  • Sonchus arvensis - åkermolke
  • Stellaria media - våtarv
  • Taraxacum officinalis - maskros
  • Tripleurospermum maritimum ssp. inodorum - baldersbrå
  • Tussilago farfara - hästhov
  • Elymus repens - kvickrot
  • Epilobium hirsutum - rosendunört
  • Equisetum arvense - åkerfräken
  • Erodium cicutarium - skatnäva
  • Glecoma hederacea - jordreva
  • Plantago major - groblad
  • Poa annua - vitgröe
  • Polygonum aviculare - trampört
  • Polygonum persicaria - vanlig pilört
  • Rumex acetosella - bergsyra
  • Rumex crispus - krusskräppa
  • Urtica dioica - brännässla
  • Vicia cracca - kråkvicker

All None

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