One word gaps - expressions Eng6

The exercise was created 17.01.2024 by Ollie. Anzahl Fragen: 21.

Fragen wählen (21)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • to take it easy att ta det lugnt
  • can hardly keep my eyes open kan knappt hålla ögonen öppna
  • have second thoughts tveka
  • in vain förgäves
  • letter of complaint klagomålsbrev
  • rate of interest räntenivå
  • to lack something brister, sakna ngt
  • nothing for it but to do something det enda man kan göra
  • to deal with something att ta itu med ngt
  • in favour of or against something att vara för eller emot ngt
  • to express an opinion att uttrycka en åsikt
  • to do someone a favour att göra ngn en tjänst
  • to look forward to something att se fram emot ngt
  • the point in doing something vitsen av att göra ngt
  • to sort things out reda ut ngt
  • I would rather jag skulle hellre
  • to rely on att lita på
  • to pull yourself together att skärpa sig, ta sig samman
  • to suffer from something att lida av ngt
  • to take part att delta
  • to prefer something att föredra ngt

All None

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