
The exercise was created 21.09.2016 by beataduhr. Anzahl Fragen: 18.

Fragen wählen (18)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • tolerant, intolerant tolerant, intolerant
  • rättvis, orättvis fair, unfair
  • tålmodig, inte tålmodig patient, impatient
  • rättvis, orättvis 2 just, unjust
  • hänsynsfull, hänsynslös considerate, inconsiderate
  • snäll, dum kind, unkind
  • kompetent competent, incompetent
  • trogen, otrogen faithful, unfaithful
  • vänlig, ovänlig friendly, unfriendly
  • glad, sur happy, unhappy
  • ärlig, oärlig honest, dishonest
  • lojal, illojal loyal, disloyal
  • mogen, omogen mature, immature
  • artig, oartig polite, impolite
  • populär, opopulär popular, unpopular
  • praktisk, opraktisk practical, unpractical
  • pålitlig, opålitlig reliable, unreliable
  • känslig, okänslig sensitive, unsensitive

All None

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