Oregelbundna verb 1-3 åk9

The exercise was created 13.02.2017 by frokenveronica. Anzahl Fragen: 18.

Fragen wählen (18)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • blåsa blow blew blown
  • växa grow grew grown
  • veta, kunna know knew known
  • kasta throw threw thrown
  • flyga fly flew flown
  • bära, ha på sig wear wore worn
  • bygga build built built
  • drömma dream dreamt dreamt
  • mena mean meant meant
  • möta meet met met
  • sända, skicka send sent sent
  • spendera, tillbringa spend spent spent
  • ta med sig bring brought brought
  • slåss, kämpa fight fought fought
  • tycka, tänka, tro think thought thought
  • fånga catch caught caught
  • undervisa, lära ut teach taught taught
  • köpa buy bought bought

All None

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