Oregelbundna verb år 7, show-write.

The exercise was created 20.01.2023 by camillagasvaer. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • show, showed, shown att visa
  • sit, sat, sat att sitta
  • sleep, slept, slept att sova
  • speak, spoke, spoken att tala
  • take, took, taken att ta
  • tell, told, told att tala om
  • think, thought, thought att tänka, tro
  • throw, threw, thrown att kasta
  • understand, understood, understood att förstå
  • write, wrote, written att skriva
  • Tom wrote Mary's phone number in his book. Tom skrev Marys telefonnummer i sin bok.
  • I never understood what they said. Jag förstod aldrig vad de sa.
  • Who threw a stone at my dog? Vem kastade en sten på/mot min hund?
  • It was just as I thought. Det var precis som jag trodde.
  • He told me the story of his life. Han berättade sin livshistoria för mig.
  • He took a day off. Han tog en dag ledigt.
  • She spoke to her son about his behavior. Hon pratade med sin son om hans beteende.
  • I only slept two hours. Jag sov bara två timmar.
  • The lady sat in the front of the bus. Kvinnan satt längst fram i bussen.
  • Your parents showed me your baby pictures. Dina föräldrar visade mig dina bebis bilder/foton.

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