Oregelbundna verb

The exercise was created 04.02.2022 by Ilyas. Anzahl Fragen: 25.

Fragen wählen (25)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • vara be, was/were, been
  • börja begin, began, begun
  • köpa buy, bought, bought
  • kosta cost, cost, cost
  • klippa cut, cut, cut
  • dricka drink, drank, drunk
  • köra drive, drove, driven
  • äta eat, ate, eaten
  • hitta find, found, found
  • känna feel, felt, felt
  • go, went, gone
  • ge give, gave, given
  • ha have/has, had, had
  • hålla hold, held, held
  • behålla keep, kept, kept
  • känna know, knew, known
  • lämna leave, left, left
  • lära learn, learnt, learnt
  • betala pay, paid, paid
  • sätta put, put, put
  • springa run, ran, run
  • prata speak, spoke, spoken
  • säga say, said, said
  • ta take, took, taken
  • tänka think, thought, thought

All None

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