Översätt till engelska-Verb1

The exercise was created 18.03.2024 by cedvardsson. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Igår var jag här. Yesterday I was here.
  • Vi slår dem alltid i schack. We always beat them in chess.
  • Det blev besvärligt/underligt. It became awkward.
  • När börjar det? When does it begin?
  • Vi böjde grenen. We bent the branch.
  • Hon har slagit vad. She has bet.
  • Hundvalpen bits. The puppy bites.
  • Vi blödde mycket. We bled a lot.
  • Blåser det ute? Is it blowing outside?
  • Ha inte sönder den! Don't break it!
  • Tog han med sig böckerna? Did he bring the books?
  • Kyrkan byggdes 1906. The church was built 1906.
  • Har han bränt trädet? Has he burnt the tree?
  • Vi bröt ut i skratt. We burst into laughter.
  • Köpte ni huset? Did you buy the house?
  • Han har gjutit en staty. He has cast a statue.
  • Om vi skyndar oss kan vi "fånga" bussen. If we hurry we can catch the bus.
  • Har du valt? Have you chosen?
  • Kan du komma hit? Can you come here?
  • Hur mycket kostar det? How much does it cost?

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