P. 49-51

The exercise was created 24.01.2024 by pamzing89. Anzahl Fragen: 29.

Fragen wählen (29)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • katastrof disaster
  • affärsliv, affärer business
  • tävlande competitior
  • dyka upp turn up
  • terränglöpningslopp cross-country run
  • vuxen adult
  • ras, nedgång fall
  • aktiebörs stock exchange
  • premiärminister, statsminister Prime Minister
  • livbåt lifeboat
  • (penning)insamling fundraising
  • ansträngning effort
  • utan tvivel undoubtedly
  • spelning gig
  • väletablerad well-established
  • nyligen recent
  • speciellt in particular
  • här: mycket far
  • bidra contribute
  • tecken sign
  • utropstecken exclamation mark
  • osannolikt, inte trolig unlikely
  • överanvändning overuse
  • täcks, bevakas is covered
  • kändis celebrity
  • klickbete (lockbete) clickbait
  • annons, reklam advertisement, ad
  • uppmuntra encurage
  • vetenskap science

All None

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