
The exercise was created 05.10.2016 by johannaholmsten. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Engelska talas av många människor. English is spoken by many people.
  • De här väskorna görs i Indien. These bags are made in India.
  • De här skorna görs i Schweiz. These shoes are made in Switzerland.
  • Tidningen trycks i Karlstad. The paper is printed in Karlstad.
  • Ris odlas över hela Kina. Rice is grown all over China.
  • Fången vaktas av en polis. The prisoner is guarded by a policeman.
  • Rummet städas två gånger i veckan. The room is cleaned twice a week.
  • Olyckor förorsakas ofta av unga förare. Accidents are often caused by young drivers.
  • Bilarna såldes av herr Smith. The cars were sold by Mr Smith.
  • Han övertalades att göra det. He was persuaded to do it.
  • Jag tvingades att säga sanningen. I was forced to tell the truth.
  • Ingenting kommer att göras. Nothing will be done.
  • Pojken hade kastats i vattnet. The boy had been thrown into the water.
  • Någon var tvungen att skickas. dit. Someone had to be sent there.
  • Många presidenter har skjutits. Many presidents have been shot.
  • Dikterna kommer att läsas av en poet. The poems will be read by a poet.
  • Hon kommer att erbjudas ett bättre jobb. She will be offered a better job.
  • Dörrarna har öppnats av hundarna. The doors have been opened by the dogs.
  • Elvis Presley minns av alla. Elvis Presley is remembered by everybody.
  • Plånboken hittades av flickorna. The wallet was found by the girls.

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