Pool Champion

The exercise was created 02.12.2024 by masa23. Anzahl Fragen: 16.

Fragen wählen (16)

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  • What you need to know if you want to do well (nyckel till framgång) secret to success
  • when you do something again and again to get better (träna, öva) practice
  • someone who has won a competition (mästare) champion
  • areas or subjects, like tennis or math (områden, ämnen) fields
  • hittng a small ball with a stick so that the ball hits other balls (spela biljard) playing pool
  • put something where pople couldn't find it (gömde) hid
  • gömma, gömde, gömt hide, hid, hidden
  • sticks you use to play pool with (biljardköer) cues
  • the way you moved if you didn't want pople to see you (smög) snuck
  • smyga, smög, smugit sneak, snuck, snuck
  • a long and thin handle, kvastskaft broomstick
  • not tall (kort) short
  • something you might put apples in (fruktlåda) fruit box
  • the opposite of won (förlorade) lost
  • something you have done better than anyone else (världsrekord) world record
  • not just one (både) both

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