Shakespeare Speaks ep 6-7

The exercise was created 31.01.2020 by MrsAki. Anzahl Fragen: 20.

Fragen wählen (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • strange bedfellows Two people or groups that are connected in a particular activity, even though they are very different and are not usually seen together.
  • like chalk and cheese two people who are very different from each other
  • an odd couple two people who are in a relationship, but seem very different and not well-suited
  • a match made in heaven a perfect combination of people or things
  • made for each other a perfect match
  • two of a kind two people with very similar characters
  • tempest a violent storm
  • fellow(s) a person/people who belong to the same group or who share a situation
  • bedfellows people who share a bed or who are closely involved with each other in a particular situation
  • there's method in his madness there's a sensible reason for something that seems crazy
  • rehearsal a practice of a play for later public performance
  • tragedy a terrible situation, often involving suffering or death
  • revenge harm that you do to someone because they have harmed you
  • You're out of your mind! You are mad! (Du har tappat förståndet)
  • You're absolutely bonkers! You are mad! (Absolut helt knäpp)
  • You're off your rocker! You are mad! (Du har ramlat av gungstolen)
  • You're nuts! You are mad! (Du har en skruv lös)
  • You're losing it! You are mad! (Du har tappat kontrollen)
  • You're losing the plot! You are mad! (Du har tappat tråden)
  • You're losing your marbles! You are mad! (Du har tappat bort spelkulorna)

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