Spotlight 5 week 7 "Guy Fawkes"

The exercise was created 24.02.2025 by haithu. Anzahl Fragen: 10.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Det var ett stort bål. It was a big bonfire.
  • parlamentshuset Houses of Parliament
  • Det finns en anledning. There is one reason.
  • Krutet har sprängts i luften. The gunpowder has blown up.
  • Han var soldat i kriget. He was a soldier in the war.
  • Vi firar med ett jättestort fyrverkeri. We celebrate with a huge firework.
  • Vi har inte gjort det sedan dess. We have not done it since then.
  • Behandla dina vänner med respekt. Treat your friends with respect.
  • Maj är den femte månaden. May is the fifth month.
  • Kan du ge mig två anledningar? Can you give me two reasons?

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