Spotlight 6 week 12 A helping hand

The exercise was created 21.03.2025 by haithu. Anzahl Fragen: 10.

Fragen wählen (10)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Kan du ge mig en hjälpande hand? Can you give me a helping hand?
  • Jag insåg att det var mitt ansvar. I realised that it was my responsibility.
  • Enligt läraren är vi lediga från skolan idag. According to the teacher we are off from school today.
  • Vädret var hemsk häromdagen. The weather was awful the other day.
  • Jag tvättar alltid på onsdagar. I always do the laundry on Wednesdays.
  • Snälla lägg undan din mobil. Please put away your mobile phone.
  • Vi har ett stort badkar i vår lägenhet. We have a big bath tub in our apartment.
  • Jag ska byta lakanen idag. I am going to change the sheets today.
  • Kan du förklara varför vi ska städa vårt rum? Can you explain why we have to tidy our room?
  • Hela huset är fullt av sopor. The whole house is full of rubbish.

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