The Absolutely.. chap. 1-4 (p.1-24)

The exercise was created 22.03.2018 by natalie6. Anzahl Fragen: 26.

Fragen wählen (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • ryggmärgsvätska cerebral spinal fluid
  • mobbare bullies
  • kramper seizures
  • stamma stutter
  • talsvårigheter speech impediments
  • att kräkas to vomit
  • att slå, drämma till to punch
  • ett svimma to pass out
  • fattigdom poverty
  • deprimerad depressed
  • att stå ut to gut it out
  • blåslagen bruised
  • att stuka to sprain
  • oskiljaktiga inseparable
  • Arnold har för mycket ryggmärgsvätska i hjärnan Arnold has too much cerebral spinal fluid in his brain
  • De är mobbare They are bullies
  • Flickan svimmade framför mig The girl passed out infront of me
  • Hans syster är deprimerad His sister is depressed
  • Du måste stå ut en dag till You have to gut it out one more day
  • Han var blåslagen och hade stukat foten He was bruised and had sprained his foot
  • Tvillingarna var oskiljaktiga The twins were inseparable
  • Arnold stammar och har talsvårigheter Arnold stutters and has speech impediments
  • Flickan spyr ofta i toaletten The girl often vomits in the toilet
  • Jag hatade vår fattigdom I hated our poverty
  • Han slog mig hårt i magen He punched me hard in the stomach
  • Arnold har kramper minst två gånger i veckan Arnold has seizures at least twice a week

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