The bloody chamber p1-20

The exercise was created 24.11.2024 by myforslof. Anzahl Fragen: 110.

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  • impeccable without mistakes or faults, felfri
  • mimicking to copy the way in which a particular person usually speaks and moves, härma
  • ceaselessly without ever stopping, oupphörligt
  • quietude ​the state of being still and quiet, lugn
  • relics something left from a past time, kvarleva
  • linger to remain, last or continue for a long time or after the expected time, stanna kvar
  • midst among or in the centre of, mitt uppe i
  • indomitable not willing to accept defeat, even in a difficult situation, okuvlig, outröttlig
  • relutcance the feeling of being unwilling to do something and hesitating before you do it, because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do, motvilja
  • banish to send away (usually from a country), especially as a punishment, förvisa
  • spectre a ghost, spöke
  • defiantly in a way that shows you refuse to obey somebody/something, trotsig
  • beggar a person who lives by begging, tiggare
  • eccentric considered by other people to be strange or unusual, originell
  • reticule a small women's bag that closed with a string at the top, liten handväska
  • teasingly in a way that shows that you are laughing at someone or saying unkind things about them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset that person
  • egregious in a way that shows that you are laughing at someone or saying unkind things about them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset that person
  • insinuating suggesting ideas without saying them directly
  • exquisite very beautiful and delicate
  • voluptuously in a way that is soft, curved, and sexually attractive
  • ancestral ​connected with or that belonged to people in your family who lived a long time ago
  • pinnacle a tall thin spire built on the roof of a church, castle etc, takspira
  • leonine (often of a person's head or hair) like a lion
  • opulent luxurious; rich, välmående, rik
  • accompanied to go with, följa, ledsaga
  • solitude the state of being online, ensamhet
  • prelude an event etc that goes before, and acts as an introduction to, something, förspel
  • fissures Lägg till i ordlista a long deep crack in something, especially in rock or earth, spricka
  • ominous giving a suggestion about something bad that is going to happen, olycksbådande
  • yielding Soft substances or qualities that are yielding can bend
  • extinguished to stop a fire or a light burning
  • virtue a good moral quality, dygd
  • incredulous unwilling to believe, skeptisk
  • pettishly in an angry, impatient, and rude way, especially about things that are not important
  • threadbare (of material) worn thin; shabby, tunn
  • bemused bewildered or greatly puzzled, förvirrad
  • rummag to search by turning things out or over, söka rota igenom
  • squawk (of birds) to make a loud sharp sound
  • enigmatic puzzling; mysterious, gåtfull
  • elongated (made) long and narrow; stretched out, långsträckt
  • absinthe a strong alcoholic drink that is green and has a bitter taste
  • sumptuous expensive and splendid, överdådig
  • precociously in a way that shows particular abilities and ways of behaving at a much younger age than usual, osäkert
  • eclecticism ​the fact of not following one style or set of ideas but choosing from or using a wide variety, ekletism
  • countess the wife or widow of an earl or count, grevinna
  • coincidence (an) accidental happening of one event at the same time as another, sammanträffande
  • foyer an entrance hall to a theatre/theater, hotel etc, foaje
  • voluptuous having large breasts and hips in a way that is sexually attractive
  • bewigged having large breasts and hips in a way that is sexually attractive
  • flunky the person who does the boring physical work in a company
  • reluctant not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
  • trousseau a collection of personal possessions, such as clothes, that a woman takes to her new home when she gets married
  • gingham a cotton cloth that has a pattern of coloured squares on a white surface
  • sinuous moving in a twisting, curving, or indirect way, or having many curves
  • guillotine a device, invented in France, consisting of a sharp blade in a tall frame, used in the past for killing criminals by cutting off their heads
  • defiance behaviour in which you refuse to obey someone or something
  • crimson having a dark, deep red colour
  • arterial pulsåder
  • connoisseur an expert judge of eg art, music, wine etc, konnäsör
  • slab a thick slice or thick flat piece of anything, tjock skiva
  • monocle a lens or eyeglass for one eye only
  • stealthily quietly and secretly, smyga
  • domestic of or in the house or home, hushåll-
  • paraphernalia a (large) collection of (small) objects, often the tools etc for a job or hobby
  • seduce to persuade or attract into doing, thinking etc (something, especially some, thing foolish or wrong), locka
  • utterly completely or totally, fullständigt
  • anticipation förväntan
  • eldritch strange and frightening
  • sarcophagi a stone coffin, often decorated, that was used in ancient times
  • resonant clear and loud, or causing sounds to be clear and loud, klangfull
  • premonition a feeling that something (especially something unpleasant) is going to happen, föraning
  • disembodied (of eg a spirit, soul etc) separated from the body, okroppslig
  • amniotic sac a bag of fluid inside a woman’s womb where an unborn baby develops and grows, fostersäck
  • deserted with no people, öde
  • ermine expensive white fur with black spots that is the winter fur of the stoat
  • sable a kind of small animal found in Arctic regions, valued for its glossy fur, sobel
  • conveninence the state or quality of being convenient; freedom from trouble or difficulty, bekvämlighet
  • continuously oavbrutet
  • digestive matsmältning
  • casement a type of window that is fixed on one side and opens like a door
  • melancholy depression or sadness, melankoli
  • fringes a border of loose threads on a carpet, fransar
  • regalia objects (eg the crown and sceptre/scepter) which are a sign of royalty, used eg at a coronation
  • luminous giving out light; faintly shining so as to be visible in the dark, självlysnade
  • castellated built in the style of a castle with battlements
  • tedious boring and continuing for a long time, långtråkigt
  • authority the power or right to do something, rätt
  • impeccably in a way that has no mistakes or faults, oklanderligt
  • turret a small tower, torn
  • tumultuous with great noise or confusion, stormande
  • celestial of heaven or the skies, himmelsk
  • hitherto up to this time, hittils
  • hereditary (able to be) passed on in this way, ärftlig
  • matrimonial connected with marriage or with being married, äktenskaplig
  • gargoyles a load of goods carried by a ship etc, skeppslast
  • gauze thin cloth used eg to cover wounds, gasbinda
  • henceforth from now on, hädanefter
  • shyness blyghet
  • communion the sharing of thoughts and feelings; fellowship, gemenskap, umgänge
  • deliberately on purpose, avsiktligt
  • coarse rough in texture or to touch; not fine, grov
  • disrobe to take off your or somebody else’s clothes; to take off clothes worn for an official ceremony
  • brothel a house where men pay to have sex with prostitutes
  • bohemian a person, often somebody who is involved with the arts, who lives in a very informal way without following accepted rules of behaviour
  • artichoke a round vegetable with a lot of thick green leaves., kronärtskoka
  • palpitating an attack of rapid beating of the heart, hjärtklappning
  • repository a place where things are stored and can be found
  • permitted to agree to (another person’s action); to allow or let (someone do something), tilllåta
  • tailoring the style or the way in which a suit, jacket, etc. is made
  • anticipation the fact of seeing that something might happen in the future and perhaps doing something about it now, förväntan

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