The Four-stroke cycle

The exercise was created 17.09.2014 by christiane. Anzahl Fragen: 12.

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  • inloppstakt induction stroke
  • arbetstakt compression stroke
  • antändningstakten ignition stroke
  • avgastakt exhaust stroke
  • när cykeln har fullbordats börjar den igen when the cycle has been completed it begins again
  • den första takten the first stroke
  • den andra takten the second stroke
  • den tredje takten the third stroke
  • den fjärde takten the fourth stroke
  • när insugningsventilen öppnas when the inlet valve opens
  • en blandning av luft och bensin rinner in i cylindern a mixture of air and petrol flows into the cylinder
  • detta orsakar en explosion this causes an explosion

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