Tobira - Lesson 10

The exercise was created 05.01.2018 by Ellabjorck. Anzahl Fragen: 96.

Fragen wählen (96)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • はんばい selling; sale
  • じどうはんばいき vending machine
  • たいこく major power; giant
  • まち town; city
  • つぎつぎ(と/に) one after another
  • めにはいる to come into view
  • カラフル colorful
  • (〜を)おとずれる to visit; call (on a person, at a place)
  • ふうけい scenery
  • (〜を)とおる to pass (by); go through; walk along
  • ふきゅう spread; popularization
  • うりあげ sales
  • びっくり startle; surprise
  • へんか change
  • だす to serve
  • ちく district; area
  • おしゃべり chat
  • べん dialect
  • おつり change (money)
  • (〜を)きらす to be out of; run out of
  • まめをひく to grind (coffee) beans
  • れいとう freezing; refrigeration
  • しょくひん food
  • でんしレンジ microwave oven
  • あたためる to warm (up); heat (up)
  • かしこい wise; clever
  • ネイルアート (finger) nail art
  • めいし business card
  • はんざい crime
  • むじん unmanned
  • きけん dangerous; perilous
  • げんきん cash
  • ぶんかし cultural history
  • ちょしゃ author
  • Mr./Ms.
  • しんらい trust; reliance
  • じどう automatic
  • このむ to like; prefer (written language)
  • せい -made; -make; made in -
  • せいのう efficiency; performance
  • きかい machine
  • じじつ fact; truth
  • かいさつ ticket validation; ticket check-in
  • たたく to strike; clap
  • てをたたく (Phr) to clap one's hands
  • でんきスタンド lamp
  • せんでん advertising; promotion; publicity
  • (〜の)やくにたつ to be useful (for -)
  • バリ Paris
  • とおり street
  • りよう use; usage
  • エネルギー energy
  • むだつかい wasteful use; waste
  • みせいねんしゃ minor; under age people
  • ひはん criticism
  • すでに already
  • たいさく countermeasure
  • しょうエネ energy saving
  • エコベンダー eco-vendor
  • かん can
  • ひやす to cool; refrigerate; chill
  • でんりょく electric power
  • どうにゅう introduction; installation
  • しんや midnight
  • きせい regulation
  • わり unit of ten percent (10割=100%)
  • ばきん contribution (of money); solicitation (of money)
  • しんか evolution
  • たのしみ enjoyment; pleasure
  • コウノトリ stork
  • しえん support
  • じょうほう information
  • みかた friend; supporter
  • しょくりょうひん foodstuff; groceries
  • せいかつようひん daily commodities
  • きいたところによると according to what I've heard
  • てん (counter for (kinds of) commercial goods)
  • うれる to sell; be in demand
  • おにぎり rice ball
  • おかず accompaniment for rice dishes; side dish
  • ようしょく Western food
  • わしょく Japanese food
  • あんしん peace of mind; reassurance
  • どくしん single; unmarried
  • きんじょ neighborhood; vicinity
  • レジ cashier; short for レジスター (cash register)
  • ならべかえる to rearrange
  • しんり mentality; psychology
  • しゅうせい acquired trait; second nature
  • しょうひしゃ consumer
  • ゆうがた evening
  • たな shelf
  • ならべる to place; line up; set up
  • かえる to exchange; replace
  • オーエル female office worker
  • おくがふかい very deep; complex

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