Tobira - Lesson 11

The exercise was created 06.03.2018 by Ellabjorck. Anzahl Fragen: 100.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • ゆにゅう import
  • どくじ original; one’s own~
  • こだい ancient times
  • こだいちゅうごく ancient China
  • ポルトガル Portugal
  • あげもの deep-fried food
  • こめ rice
  • はっしょうち the birthplace; where something started
  • インド India
  • こうき the latter period
  • はんとう peninsula
  • ひろがる to spread (out); stretch; get around
  • しゅしょく staple; principal food
  • ぜいきん tax
  • ぶし samurai; Japanese warrior
  • しはらう to pay (expenses, bills, etc.)
  • てんこう weather (over an extended period)
  • きにする to worry; be concerned; care about
  • ひじょう extreme; great
  • こうりつ efficiency
  • こうりつよく efficiently (Adv)
  • せいさん production
  • せいさんする to produce; manufacture
  • ちょうせん Korea
  • ほうりつ law
  • けんちく architecture
  • ふくそう clothes; clothing; dress style
  • れきししょ history book
  • おう king; monarch
  • ぶつぞう Buddha statue
  • きょうてん Buddhist canon/text
  • はじまり origin; beginning
  • こうりゅう having contact (with people); exchange (of culture, prople, etc.)
  • しゅうは religious sect/school
  • もちいる to use/employ
  • れんあい love; romance
  • おもいうかべる to recall; be reminded of; call to mind
  • そう monk
  • さどう tea ceremony
  • はってん development (of a country, society, etc.)
  • かくりつ establishing
  • くにぐに countries
  • だいみょう Japanese feudal lord
  • たたかう to fight (a battle); wrestle (with a difficulty/a problem etc.)
  • たたかい battle; fight; struggle
  • こうはん the second half
  • ふきょう propagation
  • ぼうえき trade
  • とうじ at that time; in those days
  • やばん savage; uncivilized
  • いまでいう what is now called
  • せいよう the West; Western countries
  • とういつ unifying
  • めざす to aim; aspire
  • マント mantle; cloak
  • せいかつようしき lifestyle
  • せっきょくてき positive; active; proactive
  • てっぽう gun; firearms
  • えど Edo (the former name for Tokyo)
  • さこく national isolation
  • せいけつ clean; tidy
  • めいじいしん Meiji Restoration
  • ゆうびん mail; postal service
  • きんだいか modernization
  • きんし prohibition; ban
  • せいふ government
  • すすめる to encourage; suggest (doing something); recommend
  • すきやき sukiyaki [thin slices of beef, cooked with various vegetables in a table-top pan]
  • かずおおく in great numbers; various
  • どくとく distinct; unique
  • まね immitation; mimicking
  • ねんげつ months and years
  • かける to take (time); spend (money)
  • くわえる to add
  • ゆしゅつ export
  • かこ the past
  • できごと incident; event; happening
  • きんだいてき modern
  • きろく record; document
  • ふりょう (juvenile) delinquent
  • あたり neighborhood; nearby
  • あたらしものずき love of new things; neophilia
  • ホトトギス little cuckoo
  • はいく haiku poetry [17-syllable poem usually in 3 lines]
  • ネット short for インターネット
  • ごうか luxurious; gorgeous
  • へいせい Heisei (era of the current emperor) (1989-)
  • せかいいさん world heritage
  • にんたいづよい persevering; very patient
  • にる to resemble; be similar
  • けらい subordinate warrior
  • ばくふ shogunate
  • しょうぐん shogun; general
  • せめる to attack
  • せっぷく ritual suicide by disembowelment
  • もえる to burn
  • のう Japanese lyrical Noh drama
  • まう to dance
  • えんじる to perform (a play); play (a part)
  • おおさかじょう Osska Castle

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