Tobira - Lesson 5

The exercise was created 09.01.2017 by Ellabjorck. Anzahl Fragen: 80.

Fragen wählen (80)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • はつめい invention
  • ものがたり tale; story
  • したしむ to get familiar with
  • したしまれている to be popular (among people)
  • きょうかい association
  • ぜん whole; entire; all; full
  • しょうひ consumption; spending
  • おく one hundred million
  • しょく (counter for packaged food)
  • インドネシア Indonesia
  • ベトナム Vietnam
  • つづく to continue; last
  • りょう quantity; amount
  • やく about; approximately
  • ふくろ bag; sack; pouch
  • ねだん price
  • わかもの young people
  • ひとりぐらし single life; living alone
  • げんざい at present; now
  • とうなんアジア Southeast Asia
  • なんべい South America
  • ヨーロッパ Europe
  • かこく (counter for countries)
  • せんご postwar
  • じだい times; period
  • やたい street stall; stand
  • れつ line (of people, etc); queue
  • しっぱい failure
  • くりかえす to repeat; do something over again
  • しょうひん product; merchandise
  • せいこう success
  • だいヒット great hit (success)
  • かず number
  • ふえる to increase (in number/amount)
  • きょうそう competition
  • はげしい severe; intense
  • むける to turn (one's eyes, etc.) to; look at
  • こっきょう a nation's border
  • しんじる to believe; trust
  • こくさいてきな international
  • しかし but; however
  • しゅうかん habit; custom
  • しょくしゅうかん eating customs/habits
  • でんとう tradition
  • こえる to cross; pass
  • ひろげる to spread; expand
  • みつける to find (out); discover
  • える to get; obtain; acquire
  • (hours, days, years, etc.) later
  • つくりだす to create
  • ゆうじん friend (more formal than 友達)
  • そうゆう colloquial form of そういう
  • だいたい mostly; roughly
  • えび shrimp
  • とうふ tofu; soybean curd
  • やっぱり/やはり all in all; as was expected; as suspected
  • おにぎり rice ball
  • ぎゅうどん bowl of rice topped with beef
  • ぜんこく the whole country
  • チェーンてん (fast-food) chain store
  • ぎゅうにく beef
  • たまねぎ onion
  • (〜のうえに〜が)のる to be put (on top of something)
  • どんぶりもの bowl of rice with food on top
  • てんどん bowl of rice topped with deep-fried prawns
  • カツどん bowl of rice topped with pork cutlet
  • おやこどん bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs
  • うどん thick white noodles
  • カウンター counter seat
  • こむ to get crowded
  • ヘルシー healthy
  • めのまえで right in front of you
  • ユニーク unique
  • かいてんずし conveyor-belt sushi bar
  • ベルトコンベア conveyor belt
  • ながれる to flow
  • かいてん rotating; spinning
  • まわる to rotate; spin
  • ハイテク high technology
  • えど Edo (the former name for Tokyo)

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