Tobira - Lesson 9

The exercise was created 05.01.2018 by Ellabjorck. Anzahl Fragen: 102.

Fragen wählen (102)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • きょういく education
  • げんじょう present condition; status quo
  • せいど system; institution
  • もんだいてん the point at issue
  • まんぞく contentment; satisfaction
  • こうりつ public (institution)
  • しりつ private (institution)
  • ぎむ duty; obligation
  • しんがく going on (to the next stage of education)
  • りつ rate; percentage
  • ふくめる to include
  • すすむ to go on (to a university); make progress; advance
  • がくれき academic/educational background
  • いじめ bullying
  • せいと student (usually at a junior/senior high school)
  • ちょうせん try; challenge
  • いみ meaning
  • きぼう hope; wish
  • さす to point; indicate
  • (〜で/に)くるしむ to suffer
  • かてい home; family
  • ひっし desperate; frantic
  • きょうりょく cooperation
  • ようい preparation
  • かんきょう environment
  • すべる to slide; skate; be slippery
  • ちい (social) position; status
  • みとめる to recognize; notice; admit
  • じんせい one's life
  • しあわせ happiness
  • たんだい junior college
  • せんもんがっこう vocational/technical school
  • ちかく almost; nearly
  • とうこうきょう refusal to go to school (psychological problem)
  • へんさち deviation score indicating the degree of difficulty of each school's entrance exam
  • たい versus
  • ゆとり room; space; time (to spare)
  • ろうにん waiting for another chance to enter a university
  • さむらい Japanese warrior
  • よびこう preparatory school for university entrance examinations
  • じごく hell
  • やしょく night meal
  • じゅけんせい student preparing for an examination
  • えんぎのわるい unlucky
  • しゅっしんしゃ alumnus
  • かのうせい possibility; potentiality
  • もんぶかがくしょう/もんかしょう Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • とうけい statistics
  • はんだん judgement
  • いぜん before
  • しゅしょう prime minister
  • とうだい short for 東京大学 (University of Tokyo)
  • かんげい welcome
  • じさつ suicide
  • (〜に)ついていく to follow; keep up
  • げんいん cause; origin
  • たにん other people; others
  • もとめる to seek; request; demand
  • おも main; leading; major
  • べつ another; different; extra
  • うむ to produce; bear
  • がくりょく academic ability
  • すうじ numeral; figure
  • あげる to raise; elevate; increase
  • ていか falling; declining
  • いまでは now; nowadays
  • さがる to drop; go down
  • へらす to reduce; cut down
  • じょうしき common sense; common knowledge
  • げんしょう phenomenon
  • えんしゅうりつ Pi (3.1415926...)
  • (〜に)たよる to rely on; depend on
  • あくじゅんかん vicious circle
  • のべる to state; express
  • いじょう、のべたように as stated/described above
  • よみかき reading and writing
  • けいさん calculation; count
  • けんてい giving official approval; inspecting
  • きほん foundation; basis
  • びょうどう equal; even
  • かいけつ solution; closure of problem
  • 〜をきかいに taking this opportunity
  • どうきゅうせい classmate
  • きょうとだいがく/きょうだい Kyoto University (often shortened to 京大)
  • ストレートで straight (out of high school)
  • (〜を)よろこぶ to be delighted (about 〜); be glad
  • がくひ tuition; school expenses
  • ゼミ short for ゼミナール (seminar)
  • おしゃれ stylish; fashionable
  • バーゲン sale; bargain
  • ようふく (Western) clothes
  • にあう to become; match; suit
  • ずいぶん a lot; very much
  • まだまだ still some way to go before goal; still more to come
  • じょうたつ improving; advancing (skill, proficiency, etc.)
  • へんじ reply; answer
  • けんそん modesty; humbleness
  • れい expression of gratitude
  • つけくわえる to add (one thing to another)
  • そのとおりだ That's right.
  • ひてい denial; negative
  • ほめことば words of praise

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