V.36 Life past and present

The exercise was created 31.08.2015 by permaupoix. Anzahl Fragen: 16.

Fragen wählen (16)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Den gamla goda tiden the good old days
  • Luften var ren the air was clean
  • Det fanns inte mycket trafik There was'nt much traffic
  • Folk tog allt det för givet People took all that for granted
  • Brottsligheten var lägre Crime rates were lower
  • Du kunde gå på gatorna utan att bli rånad You could walk the streets without getting mugged
  • Det fanns knappt någon arbetslöshet There was hardly any unemployment
  • Skolan var obligatorisk School was compulsory
  • Det var mindre tävlan om betyg There was less competition about grades
  • Det är mer bekvämt It's more comfortable
  • Medecinsk forskning har gjort stora framsteg Medical research has made great progress
  • Vi kan nu bota smittsamma sjukdomar We are now able to cure contagious diseases
  • De flesta människor har fler möjligheter idag Most people have more opportunities today
  • Vi har en bättre kunskap om samhället We have a better knowledge about society
  • Jämlikhet är viktigt Equality is important
  • Mobiler ger oss självständighet Mobile phones give us independence

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